Dear Santa...


Black-and-white leopard
With just 10 days left until Christmas, it's time for Santa to read your letters. What do you want?


I'm already up to my eyes in Christmas spirit, as you can see. :blush:
I'll post my Christmas wishes later.
Dear Sandy Claws,

What do I want for Christmas? Some people who are adults are going to say things like, "peace on earth, goodwill to men" and all that jazz. First of all, that's sexist. Secondly, I'm going to be a tiny bit selfish.

I hope for a glorious air raid siren at least twice next year. Aaaaaand maybe a cool surprise song on the tour.

I'm asking for a great time with my fellow Maidenfans in Vegas. I wouldn't mind enough fluidity to make an appearance in Oslo, either.

Atop that? I hope for peace on earth. Big gamble, but why the hell not?

Cheers, you crazy old bastard,
Dear Santa,

I want 1 million in cash for Christmas. Thank you for your consideration.

Atheist Boy from Muslim Land
Dear Santa,

I want Speedwolf to release another album. Their debut was just ok.

A dude from Alabama
Dear Santa,

Please can you compel Cathedral to undertake a special reunion tour of South Wales.

Love to Vixen and Dunder,

Dear Santa,
Since we've all been very good this year, I ask only for a few little things oft spoken of in these parts:

1 A band in which Sabaton can be heard
2 A song as complex as The Fugitive
3 Something > Montenegro
4 #maidenforNaples
5 Adrian Smith

You guys and your musical wishes... You turned Santa into a jukebox. :p

Dear Santa,

this year I only want:
1. A new phone because the one I have is a GREAT MUSICIAN.
2. A pay rise that will allow me
3. To be able to travel more.

Also, I wish that my daughter would finally get over the problems at school and that all my family and friends stay healthy.

You guys and your musical wishes... You turned Santa into a jukebox. :p

Dear Santa,

this year I only want:
1. A new phone because the one I have is a GREAT MUSICIAN.
2. A pay rise that will allow me
3. To be able to travel more.

Also, I wish that my daughter would finally get over the problems at school and that all my family and friends stay healthy.


That's not your daughter in that pic by any chance, is it? :S

And what would you do with Adrian Smith if Santa gave you him?

I'd need to get a kennel or something.

Adrian Smith is for life, not just for Christmas.