Crazy news 'round the globe

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He was 22. He was actually trying to recreate a movie scene (which didn't include a selfie), but failed to take into account the fact that the movie was set in the 60's and the train in the movie was old and slow.
This is ... not sure what the right word is for this. Read for yourself

... if you dare

.. I warned you

A 35-year-old Georgia mother has lost custody of her five children after being arrested for allegedly hosting a party for her teenage daughter and joining in the festivities, which featured booze, pot, sex, a hot tub and naked Twister.

Rachel Lehnardt was charged with two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor for the party at her home in Evans, an Augusta suburb. She was arrested Monday after her new Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor alerted the Columbia County Sheriff's Office on Saturday following a meeting with Lehnardt, who is divorcing her husband, an Iraq war veteran.

The sponsor said Lehnardt told her she had lost custody of the children — ages 4, 6, 8, 10 and 16 — at an emergency hearing April 6 after her husband learned about the party. The sheriff's report did not indicate when it occurred.

The children were with their father one night when the 16-year-old daughter texted her mother to ask if she and some friends could come over "to party," according to the sponsor's account.

"Come on, let's party," Lehnardt replied.

The teens drank alcohol and smoked marijuana, Lehnardt said she joined them playing naked Twister, her sponsor told investigators. She then had sex in the bathroom with an 18-year-old boy, and afterward used sex toys in front of the teens before everyone piled into her hot tub, where "the party continued."

The sponsor said Lenhardt later recounted waking up at 3:30 a.m. to discover her daughter's 16-year-old boyfriend having sex with her. She said her daughter "felt guilty," explaining that if she could have accommodated his large penis "he wouldn't have needed to rape her mother."

The boy is not facing charges because "there is no evidence of rape" because Lehnardt "refuses to discuss the case," Capt. Steve Morris told the New York Daily News.

Lehnardt also revealed that she showed her daughter pornography and pictures of her and her current boyfriend having sex, the sponsor said.

Lehnardt, who works in an Augusta bridal shop, had been attending a sexual-addiction workshop at her local Mormon church, the sponsor added.

She was released after posting a $3,200 bond.

---- and it gets more weird. Keep in mind, this woman's daughter is part of "the group"


... and she looks like this

She was arrested Monday after her new Alcoholics Anonymous sponsor alerted the Columbia County Sheriff's Office

Fuck everything about that sponsor. She* clearly doesn't understand the word Anonymous.

* AA sponsors are almost always the same gender as the pigeon.

OK, so I'm not in the program anymore, but I was for 14 years. I've had 3 sponsors, and I've sponsored dozens. Trust is the first thing. It is routine for pigeons to tell everything to their sponsor, and they do so with the understanding of confidentiality. This "sponsor" is lower than scum.

What happened at the party is one thing, but there are other ways to handle it. AA specifically states in their literature that using AA to send people to jail like this is absolutely wrong. Not that one needs a book to say "piling further disaster on the shoulders of someone out of control is a horrible thing". If this woman was already in AA, then she was already seeking help, and now she's being punished for that. Maybe she deserves punishment, but not from the person who's supposed to be helping her with her drinking.

Know what this feels like for the AA newcomer? You've finally summoned all your courage to ask for help as a last resort. (Trust me, no one ever goes to AA because they want to.) For most, it's a moment of deep humiliation - admitting you can't handle things yourself. Somehow this woman still found the strength to reach out of the abyss (yet it is an abyss, trust me). Most don't even get that far. And what does the sponsor do? Take that outstretched hand only long enough to chuck the pigeon back into hell. Fuck. That. Bitch.

It was likely already the lowest moment of that woman's life, and the person who was asked for help instead yanked the floor out from under her. Makes me sick.
You know, I never thought of that from that angle. I guess the mom double penetrating herself wth sex toys in front of her 16 year old daughter and her friends was the headline for me
OK. I guess I found the story to be a sufficient summary, so that's all I read. I didn't feel the need for details... :S

BTW, whatever the blond gets, she gets. My rant above isn't meant to say otherwise. It's entirely about the sponsor being a truly lousy human being.
Reminds me of the time when I destroyed my underperforming keyboard by repeatedly kicking it. Or the time when I smashed my hard drive and broke it down. Or the time when I threw my headphones to the wall and shattered them into pieces.

I feel his pain. Anger issues much?
The edges of the book may harm other children if they want to see what she's reading. Incredible.
So it's been discovered that when Serbian president went to visit UAE last year, he brought 50 bottles of rakia as a gift for the sheikhs :facepalm: Serbian embassy staff discovered that and had to explain to the president how much of an insult that would be and that Muslims don't drink alcohol, and luckily prevented a scandal. So embarassing...
So it's been discovered that when Serbian president went to visit UAE last year, he brought 50 bottles of rakia as a gift for the sheikhs :facepalm: Serbian embassy staff discovered that and had to explain to the president how much of an insult that would be and that Muslims don't drink alcohol, and luckily prevented a scandal. So embarassing...
Coulda been worse. Coulda been 50 packs of bacon.
So it's been discovered that when Serbian president went to visit UAE last year, he brought 50 bottles of rakia as a gift for the sheikhs :facepalm: Serbian embassy staff discovered that and had to explain to the president how much of an insult that would be and that Muslims don't drink alcohol, and luckily prevented a scandal. So embarassing...

I love your president. He's so goofy.
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