Corona quarantine & Iron Maiden

Wish you a quick recovery, man. :)
thank you! :) tomorrow is the last day I'll have to stay inside my apartment. I actually enjoy it. especially cause I'm perfectly fine again since five days or so, and I have so much time these days to sort out many things I had on my to-do-list for a while but never found time just to go into. I can't really remember when for the last time I spent that much time at home, but I guess it must have been in the 1980 when I was a school kid, summer vacation or so. :)
extra nice thing is: other people carry my food orders right to my front door :D I don't mind that.
Well?? How was The X Factor? That’s a top five album for me.
it is a very, very, VERY good album. I knew this for decades, so home isolation brought it back to me and I really enjoy it in major parts. but to tell the story full: I do have a problem with Blazes voice. an interesting thing that happened to me when going that deep into The XFactor was that I thought more than only once in some parts and moments "DiAnno would be interesting here"... anyway, solid album that scores 7 out of 10 for me.