Bruce Dickinson

For Accident of birth, Adrian came in a little later in the process than Roy Z. He was supposed to do a couple of guest solos, but ended but playing on the record. Adrian had also spent time writing and recording the second Psycho motel album, and had probably used most of his ideas there.

Don’t know why he didn’t write more for The chemical wedding. Could be as simple as Bruce and Roy were in such a good writing mode so Adrian’s ideas was not necessary. He was a side kick for Bruce after all, not the main songwriter.
But Adrian did co-write the best track on The Chemical Wedding - Machine Men.
What I don't understand though, is how he can be selling tickets to the concert already, when no-one has yet heard the music. I mean, if it turned out to be St Anger, I'd be trying very quickly to offload my tickets.

Because he hasn't played any solo shows in over 20 years. Regardless of whether people like the new album, the chance to see Bruce in a smaller capacity playing songs from his excellent solo catalogue is an opportunity not to miss for loads of fans.
He was an important part of the band of course, just more a role like in Maiden (Write a few songs, record album and tour it), not being the main man like in ASaP (main songwriter and vocalist) and Psycho motel (main songwriter and producer of the first album)
A bit like Adrian in Maiden in the 80's yeah, but in the 80's Steve was the main songwriter (plus 3 other songwriters), while in Bruce's band is just him and Roy. Bruce mostly writes the lyrics, leaving the music to Roy. Roy has come up with some killer material, but a help from the 2nd guitarist is always needed. And we are talking about Adrian. His songs on the albums were classic and heavier approach, so it would have been curious with what songs he could have come up if he wrote 2 more songs for each of the albums.
I'm hopeful that he has gone experimental or even "modern" on this. But I'd like to see him be more adventurous.
Bruce is always experimental on his solo albums. Most of the fans will like this, some not so much. The new sample is pretty adventurous. I think the modern approach comes from Roy, and I like it a lot. Roy is a great songwriter who always comes up with strong riffs and solos. He is different from all Maiden's guitarists and I like his ''even more metal'' approach.
How many of the 5 songs (including If Eternity Should Fail) which Bruce showed Steve in 2015 you think will be included on the new album? I hope for all of the other 4 (tbh), but the most I want the song Nightmares.

About Eternity, I think Bruce won't include it in the end. The album won't be a full concept album (per Bruce), although the outro(?) vocals of Afterglow Of Ragnarok could be from the point of you of the character in Eternity's outro. And with such a title for the upcoming single, the album will indeed be series of characters and stories. If I have to guess, I think Eternity isn't that important for album's theme anymore (like it was in 2015), although the given album theme fits the story of the song and Bruce might reference its theme with another song on the album.
Dave Moreno is leaking everything from the line up to album release date. By February he will have leaked the setlist, told his kids Santa isn't real and revealed whats in Area 51.
You got it wrong. For him Santa is definitely real. He's playing in Bruce's band.