Bruce Dickinson

TCW: King in Crimson, Chemical Wedding, The Tower, Book of Thel, Jerusalem, Trumpets of Jericho, The Alchemist, Return of the King.

AOB: Toltec 7 Arrival, Taking the Queen, Darkside of Aquarius, Road to Hell, Man of Sorrows, Accident of Birth,

TOS: Abduction, Soul Intruders, Kill Devil Hill, Navigate the Seas of the Sun, A Tyranny of Souls

SW: Back From the Edge, Solar Confinement, Inside the Machine, Innerspace, Strange Death in Paradise

BTP: Tears of the Dragon
Heyy as I'm beyond excited for The Mandrake Project - the album, tour, everything that comes with it I might just as well join the "ranking Bruce's albums" game!

...except that I'm terrible at these rankings, let alone picking up a definitive favourite songs from albums that really shine as a whole, which goes for a couple of Bruce's solo albums as well.

But I'll try.

1. The Chemical Wedding
Okay this one is easy! I'm not going for the debate whether this is "better" or "worse" than this or that classic album or how it stands against some of the best Maiden records. But on a personal level, this one is certainly a top 3 album for me and might very well be the best work Bruce has ever put out, whether with his solo band(s) or Maiden. The material is outstanding, the vocal performance is glorious and not just the production, but the whole soundscape of the album is truly spectacular. This album is full of prime examples of how Bruce's voice and performance are captured at their best.

Favourite tracks? Uhh... probably the title track, The Book of Thel and The Alchemist. Maybe Jerusalem too. I always like to point out the last chorus of The Alchemist as one of the most stunning takes on Bruce's vocal delivery... and the mix just underlines it so perfectly.

Don't try and blame me for your games
Your games are death
My world it light, the angels fill my eyes
With every breath...
And so we lay, we lay in the same grave
Our chemical wedding day

Second favourite is a whole lot harder to choose, as I think Skunworks, Accident of Birth and Tyranny of Souls are all pretty solid albums, have somewhat equal selection of majestic tracks and also one or two weaker songs. Accident vs Tyranny probably turns out in favour of Accident, as it's somewhat more inspired, even if a little bit scattered where as Tyranny is slightly more tightly packed and compact, but maybe not quite as daring.

I aboslutely love Skunkworks and Bruce really delivers some outstanding vocals there. Back From the Edge, Inertia and Strange Death in Paradise are all brilliant. I also really like the haunting Dreamstate and the brilliant groove of Innerspace.

From Accident of Birth, I'd probably pick the title track, Darkside of Aquarius and Omega as my favourites, but then again, Taking the Queen is also neat, I've always loved Man of Sorrows, even if it's structure is quite identical with Tears of the Dragon. Road to Hell rocks, of course. And I love The Magician!

So hey, let's go with both, Accident of Birth & Skunworks

4. Tyranny of Souls

As mentioned, it's probably slightly more coherent than Accident of Birth, but lacks some of that creative, even chaotic energy that Accident had... It's quite hard to put that on words, really. Placing Tyranny of Souls to a fourth place speaks for the quality of Bruce's solo works, as there's really nothing wrong with it. It's a very, very solid heavy metal album with some standout(/personal favourites of mine) tracks like Kill Devil Hill (now that is a CHORUS!!!) and Navigate the Seas of the Sun, which also comes with very beautiful lyrics. River of No Return is a great song too and gives a lot of room for Bruce to showcase his dynamics, which he often can't with Maiden, due to different songwriting and production approach. Soul Intruders and Power of the Sun are pretty awesome, even if also quite basic, tunes and while Devil on a Hog might be on the more mediocre side, I've always had bit of a soft spot for it. The title track isn't anything super ingenious, but hey, it works and you can tell how certain parts of it were composed with certain singers in mind...

So yeah, I love this one! Just like I love the three albums seemingly above it as well.

5. Balls to Picasso
Maybe even a bit... underrated? Or maybe not, but yeah, i's a good album. The song material is very good, anyway; it's overall sound is somewhat stale, which definitely hinders some of the songs. There's not a whole lot of groundbreaking stuff, but a lot of solid tunes anyway. Cyclops is a strong opener. Gods of War is great! Sacred Cowboys has a fucking amazing chorus and I've always kind of liked that one overall, silly as it is. Tears of the Dragon is magnificent. The Alive in Studion A/Marquee live versions lack some of the subtlety of course, but their energy and Bruce's very outrageous vocal performances give interesting edge for songs like Cyclops, Sacred Cowboys and Gods of War that have strong, or at least very interesting dynamics in them but the mix of the album doesn't do them that much justice. Laughing in the Hiding Bush is nice, but it really shines on a live situation, I believe. Skunkworks live version of it is pretty amazing! Shoot All the Clowns isn't very interesting, but the story behind it's inclusion is a nice curiosity.

Out of them all, my track is... to nobody's surprise, Tears of the Dragon, but I'm also quite fond of Gods of War.

6. Tattooed Millionaire
I honestly haven't listened to this album as a whole for... like 15 years or something? Not sure. So uhm... maybe I should, but...

Well it's rockn' roll!

It's not too bad for what it is. Son of a Gun, the title track and somewhat "Springsteeny" Born in '58 are pretty good and it's nice to hear how Bruce approaches stuff like Gypsy Road. Dive, Dive, Dive is also good for what it is, just not particularly interesting. It's a bit pointless to compare this one to the rest anyway, as it's done with a totally different mindset.
Thanks for this.

Myself, I have a strange relationship with the Tears Of The Dragon. If I only knew it myself, I would consider it a brilliant magnificent song, but the way EVERYONE else pust it on number 1 makes it somehow lose value for me, hard to describe. It's great, but why don't other pieces get such praise?
It lost abit of its magic for me but it´s still a great song. I wouldn’t put it in my Top 10 Bruce solo songs though.
Just wanted to let folks know that after a short 20+ year absence, in honor of the announcement of Bruce's new solo album I've resurrected the old Strange Death Discussion Forum on more modern forum software!
No ads, no censorship! Feel free to swing by if you're interested in talking about Bruce and Adrian's solo careers, or other things.
Maybe this is a hint that Adrian will be involved... In this excerpt he is prominently seen. Also Accident of Birth is a great song. Foreshadows TCW album sound and style.
Hahaha, what a clip to share, heavily featuring Adrian. Super hint or ultimate troll? I reckon Adrian is in the album and will be on the tour but I'm not so convinced that I'd bet my dog on it.
The clip is still available for me. Seems too blatant and intentional for it not to be confirmation that Adrian is involved.
The clip is still available for me. Seems too blatant and intentional for it not to be confirmation that Adrian is involved.
Ah yeah, it says "Not availible in your country" now.

Used to say that it was completely removed.