Are Maiden t-shirts the new Fashion statement?


As I walk around my city running my errands.  I have noticed an increase of my seeing Maiden tees.  I have seen various men and women ages 15-50 wearing IM shirts.

What do you guys think this trend is spuring from?  I can't go a day without spoting IM tees.  I have a lot of women wearing it as well.  These women don't strike me as metal head as well.  Does it irritate anyone seeing people wearing Maiden tees, as a fashion statement and they do not listen to the band?

Its like a lot of people are wearing Maiden tees like a leather Jacket.  To get street cred points for looking cool!

They have become somewhat fashionable oddly, yes. It only annoys me if I mistake them for being a fan and ask "favourite song?" and they look at me all puzzled. But otherwise, I'm not bothered, the more publicity for the band, the better.
I remember reading that a whole array of unsavoury celebrities wear Maiden tees.

I bet it is a fashion statement, because let's face it, Maiden shirts are fucking cool.
Who's Miley Cyrus?

Not that you think I'm living behind the moon... I have heard the name, and I believe to know that she's a singer, but I seriously can't associate anything with her.
She is Hannah Montanna, from the Disney tv series.  Her dad is Achy Breaky Billy Ray Cyrus.
Its not really anything new, a good few years ago David Beckham was seen sporting a 'Purgatory' t-shirt. I personally don't give a fuck what sort of t-shirt someone wears, seeing as I'm not going to approach them saying 'OMG U LIEK MIADEN?!? ME TOOOOO!!". I find that most people who would tend to wear Maiden, or any sort of metal t-shirts are generally retards, and I don't want anything to do with them. Obviously there is the 10% of them (the people I've met from here in real life included in that percentage ;)) that are not total spastics and are grand, but walking down a street, I'd tend to lump everyone in together.

What can I say, I'm a bastard.
Hunlord said:
Obviously there is the 10% of them (the people I've met from here in real life included in that percentage ;)) that are not total spastics and are grand,

That's one of the nicest things anyone ever said about me.
Not really a fashion statement, but I wear my shirt at the demands of my 3 year old and 5 year old daughters. I have a AMOLAD shirt with Benjamin Breeg on the back and they are always excited when "Daddy wears his bad man shirt."

Unfortunately they don't seem to be into the music, though they seem to tolerate Phantom.