A real hero of the people



North Korea is to allow renewed shipments of international food aid six months after it cracked down on foreign aid agencies.

Here we have the perfect example of a government that is totally in for the good of the people. I can't say how much I think Kim Jong Il and his cabinet are heroes. All they want to do is aid their people and give them what they need. It is such a beautiful step to allow the United Nations to ship food into the country again. It is so beyond my comprehension how those western governments keep criticising these wonderful men and women in Pyongyang only for doing what they are there for: Serving the people. They should really keep themselves occupied with real culprits, like Hugo Chavéz or Lula da Silva. But then, the world is so unfair. Kim Jong Il wants to protect his countries with weapons virtually everybody else has anyway? He is branded an insane villain. He wants to protect his people from the mad and dangerous influence of the western world? He is marked a dictator. He wants to create unity and stability in his country? He is accused of violating human rights.
I think Kim Jong Il should get the Nobel Peace Prize. But why stop there? Why not give him a Medal Of Honor, the Golden Fleece, the Lenin Award and, for the sake of it, an Academy Award (R) for lifetime achivements? He is such a hero, he deserves virtually any award available.


  I love you, Kim Jong Il! 
I hope that Kim Jong Il will live and stay in office forever. :)

Yes, I bet he is not only a passionate thinker but also a great kisser - notice those lips... ;)

To reduce the risk of this topic being moved to another subforum:
I have shivers going down my spine whenever I watch these mass celebrations from China or North Korea, where thousands of people smile and move as one, deprived of any individuality. Speaking from experience, oppression creates a backlash. I wonder what the missing link is in Korea and China, that things are so slow to change for the better...
SilentLucidity said:
To reduce the risk of this topic being moved to another subforum:
I have shivers going down my spine whenever I watch these mass celebrations from China or North Korea, where thousands of people smile and move as one, deprived of any individuality. Speaking from experience, oppression creates a backlash. I wonder what the missing link is in Korea and China, that things are so slow to change for the better...

Of course the people smile- they're happy! Here is a picture of some particularly happy North Koreans.

Anyway, to get on a bit more serious tone myself...

One thing that always amazes me is the perfect synchronisity of the movement in those North Korean parades. It must be one of the scariest things I know. I could go deeper into that, but I think anyone who has seen them will know what I think of.
edbaldhead said:
Noting you're tendancy towards sarcasm, would I be correct in assuming that this is your way of pointing out absurdity by being absurd? Or am I just naive for even asking?

We all know that Communism is too idealistic to work, Per.  Individuality and creativity is what drives our society.  Ingenuity and the strive to better yourself keeps socities flowing and stop them stagnating in a cesspool of drabness.  Yes, it discriminates against certain groups, and people do suffer.  But do you sacrifice the very personality of your people, treating them as numbers, just so they can be safe, protected numbers?  It would be nice if all men could live together and share everything, but life never works that way, because we all hunger after something, and will be naturally greedy over time, some to a lesser extent or greater than others.  That's the trouble with any extreme form of government-you lose balance.  Balance keeps the country sane and the world from destroying itself.  Balance kept the Nazis out of government, when Stresseman brought better relations with the Allies after the Hyperinflation Crisis.  If you lose balance, the extremists take over and then what is 'right' and 'wrong' is decided by one man, or a similarly-minded cabinet.
It's good to see you learned for your history exams, Silky, but you completely missed the point of what I was saying, or trying to say.
For the sake of clarity, I have slightly edited my original post. Maybe it becomes a bit clearer for you then.
But the layout is still fabulous... -_-

Silky said:
We all know that Communism is too idealistic to work...
Well, do we *really* know? So far in history, the system has only worked for small groups of people in Israel. Otherwise it somehow always got out of hand, no?
The North Korea government is able to point out it's own absurdity without Perun's help. Please have a look at this official site http://www.korea-dpr.com/ and you'll understand what I mean. Our historians, here, will probably appreciated North Korea official history.
Silky said:
We all know that Communism is too idealistic to work, Per.  Individuality and creativity is what drives our society.  Ingenuity and the strive to better yourself keeps socities flowing and stop them stagnating in a cesspool of drabness.  Yes, it discriminates against certain groups, and people do suffer.  But do you sacrifice the very personality of your people, treating them as numbers, just so they can be safe, protected numbers?  It would be nice if all men could live together and share everything, but life never works that way, because we all hunger after something, and will be naturally greedy over time, some to a lesser extent or greater than others.  That's the trouble with any extreme form of government-you lose balance.  Balance keeps the country sane and the world from destroying itself.  Balance kept the Nazis out of government, when Stresseman brought better relations with the Allies after the Hyperinflation Crisis.  If you lose balance, the extremists take over and then what is 'right' and 'wrong' is decided by one man, or a similarly-minded cabinet.

In there lies the problem. Individuality is a relatively new phenomenon that arose out of the division of labor in the 18th century and was magnified with the industrial revolution. Prior to that communities WERE one mind, those that were different were outcasted or killed. Marxism was a direct critic of the failures of Adam Smith's Capitalism and he aimed it at first world nation (aka core or developed nations). Leninism-Stalinism reworked Marxism to fit Russia's FEUDAL agrarian society. Thus Silent Lucidity is right in pointing out will never know since realistically speaking it hasn't been tried. Not to mention to work in COMMUNITY you can't have individualism, yet that is the backbone of modernity that gave rise not only to wealth, but suicides, crime and divorce, just to mention a few.

On their parades: It isn't that their brainwashed and that is why they move as one, Asian Cultures (specially the Japanese) pride themselves in doing things well, no matter what, wether it's a parade, a Playstation Unit or a Toyota.
Perun said:
It's good to see you learned for your history exams, Silky, but you completely missed the point of what I was saying, or trying to say.
For the sake of clarity, I have slightly edited my original post. Maybe it becomes a bit clearer for you then.

I knew perfectly well you were using sarcasm to illustrate the ridiculous near-deification of the Communist leaders and the propoganda glorifying them.  My post was simply lamenting the failures of the Communist ideals in any country it has been implemented in.  Perhaps it was the wrong time to say it, but I felt inspired to write down my thoughts, wrong or not.

And what exactly did you change in your original post?  It looks identical to me, but then maybe I'm just the inbred village fucktard... :nuts:
Silky said:
And what exactly did you change in your original post?  It looks identical to me, but then maybe I'm just the inbred village fucktard... :nuts:
It was edited, and then edited again. You missed out on the middle edit.
Albie said:
It was edited, and then edited again. You missed out on the middle edit.

Bugger.  Turn your back for five minutes on this site, and an entire topic gets edited...:p

Onhell said:
Not to mention to work in COMMUNITY you can't have individualism

I would have to disagree (slightly) with you there, Onhell.  While most Socio-economic Commune doctrines take away from individuality, a community does not necessarily mean a lack of individuality.  A single community can be made up of many sectors and parts, each containing people with different ideas and opinions.  Communism seeks to ignore or repress these voices to speed up governmental processes and help the people; after all, if you're a brain surgeon and paid the same as a road sweeper, why be a brain surgeon when you can get the same pay for less work?  People have to want to earn more, or be better, for society to function.  Taking a small village from c.1960s Britain, a doctor, a teacher and a parish priest are all members of that small community helping to give the local society a sense of cohesion and support.  Does it mean they're faceless workers?  No, because this is a more ideal version of a community working.  Where it goes wrong is when you have a commune, when the government tries to control everything at once, and has to lighten the load by being as minimalist and ruthless as possible.  Maybe that's where the whole thing has gone wrong-it was tried at too big a scale.  But...taking it at a small scale would seem to defy the purpose of communism, namely unity.  And I'm ranting again.  I'll have to stop that.... :(
Actually, the teacher, priest and the doctor CAN be faceless workers. However, what I was driving at is that Capitalism is an economic system that celebrates individuality because it is through this division of labor that leasure time, accumulation of wealth and (ideally) happiness is created. Smith argued that allowing people to pursue capital their basic needs will be met and by having your basic needs met (a roof over your head and a secure food supply) you'll be happy. Ask any middle and upper class member of society if they are relatively happy, most will say yes. Most of us grew up in such a system and we don't have a problem with it, we see it's advantages and we too celebrate individuality... a direct product of our mode of production. Marx when he called for WORKERS to unite that is exactly what he wanted, he wanted the teacher, the priest, the doctor, the factory worker to realize that they were ALL under the subjegaton of the capitalists, in essence becoming one... worker. Here is where Marx fell short because a doctor will never see himself as an equal with say... a mechanic.

But you are right, a community can work with the sum of the individual parts, but I repeat, it is a relatively new development, call it evolution or whatever but it is a change we have learned to live with and make it work.
Onhell said:
Here is where Marx fell short because a doctor will never see himself as an equal with say... a mechanic.
Well, that's not the point of individuality, is it? I oppose creating categories of people based to their education or university title.

To me, individuality is made of what a person thinks, says and does. Which is what communists (who used Marx' theoretical ideas to their own advantage) knew as well. All the elevated statements about workers are blabber. They needed to suppress the freedom to think, say and do. And they did, trust me on that.