12.02.2008 - Iron Maiden SBIT Tour, Brisbane, Australia ( spoilers inside!)


I attended the Maiden gig in Brisbane on the 12th and I was completely blown away by the performance. Most definitely one of the very best gigs I have attended in any genre of music over the last few years.

I thought others might like to see some of the local press the show got. All these reviews, naturally, contain spoilers.

Time Off: http://www.timeoff.com.au/index1.php?area=Reviews&pg=37&subarea=190&sel=190#8290
Rave Magazine: http://www.ravemagazine.com.au/content/view/7668/82/
Fasterlouder: http://www.fasterlouder.com.au/reviews/events/12359/Iron-Maiden-Behind-Crimson-Eyes-BEC-Brisbane-12022008.htm

Disclaimer: I might have written the last one as well.