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  1. Metalheadlady

    make up a lie about the previous poster

    MaidenFan100 LOVES Justin Biber
  2. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban MaidenFan100 because I'm actually watching Footloose... The original thankfully
  3. Metalheadlady

    make up a lie about the previous poster

    MaidenFan100 is younger than I am.
  4. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban black thunder because my neck hurts
  5. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban MaidenFan100 because it seems like I usually end up banning them no matter what
  6. Metalheadlady

    make up a lie about the previous poster

    MaidenFan100 never sleeps
  7. Metalheadlady

    make up a lie about the previous poster

    Black thunder is really lady gaga. (she claims to be a Maiden fan after all.)
  8. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban black thunder for not banning the person they were supposed to ban
  9. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban abas for stating the truth.  :)
  10. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban mtmccox because I think I just saw them looking through my window at my socks...
  11. Metalheadlady

    make up a lie about the previous poster

    Mtmccox is one of the turkeys currently terrorizing the doves under my birdfeeder as it rains.
  12. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban mtmccox because vap is bot a number
  13. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban MaidenFan100 for being so picky
  14. Metalheadlady

    Dream Killing Game

    You don't have to work everyday, but everyday you don't work you have to get on a stage in front of every person that lives in the town you live in and dance to the most horrible music in existence. I wish being an 8th grader didn't make me feel so weird.
  15. Metalheadlady

    Word Association

    Itchy zit
  16. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban maidenfan100 for using the pic I currently have as my computer background.
  17. Metalheadlady

    make up a lie about the previous poster

    Maidenfan100 was actually the 666th maiden fan
  18. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban tron because I am grounded with nothing better to do
  19. Metalheadlady

    Word Association

  20. Metalheadlady

    Ban the person above you

    Ban eddies windbag because I have 5 horses and no imagination