Soldiers of the Sticks (Drummer Thread)


Rebel Girl Royalty
Any other drummers out here in Maidenfans land? We tend to be a less populous bunch. We are indeed, a special breed.

But then again, everyone else in the band always thinks were crazy. And theyre right! We are all at least a little crazy, but that doesn't mean they can say it. No! Only we get to say and determine that about ourselves. No one else. Including health care professionals. They can p1$$ right off. And the proper term, is eccentric. Ok, every other instrument player? Not crazy. Eccentric. Though in my case whimsical is beautifully and perfectly fitting. Yes, whimsical, lets go with that. That is the finest word in the English language.

And no, you should never mess with us. See all those ping marks on our drum heads and skins? All the crap we've broke over the years? Yes. That could be your head. So don't get between us, and our everlasting glory of toddler like beating on shit to perfect rhythm. Even when you inconsistent numbnuts speed up because you've pounded too many energy drinks to cure your hangovers and drank all my sisters coffee. No! Im not speeding up my glorious and perfect tempo because of your painty dainty finger taps and your infinite twitch syndrome. I'm the bloody rhythm section, I SET THE TEMPO. And I want it CORRECT. So you can lick a rhinos trotting arse too if you think I'm going to slow down for you when you've had about 100 pints too many, and you cant get and keep your tempo up anymore than you can your dodger. Get out of here with that twaddle.

I mean wth. So I start playing, right? Set things off nice with a inspirational message to start the practice well and motivate everyone like a good rhythm section. "Bing diddy banga da boom baddawadda baddawadda Bing diddy banga da boom!" And this arrogant guitarist comes in and replies like "wahherr werrrr wun wun wun weeeehhhhhhhhhrrrrreeeeeeeee!" And its like Hey! Lose the bloody attitude mate weve got a practice to do. So I tell him "Baddawadda baddawadda boom boom bading badang baddawadda baddawadda bading bada tsssss" And this guitarist, well! He had the nerve to say "rehr rehr rhehr hrheher rehr wun wun wun wrrrrriiiiiieeeeeeeeooouuuuururrrrr" And its like, oh no you better dont! Did that mofo seriously just van halen dive bomb me? Well thems fighting words in guitar speak, innit? So, I replied "Badda badda badda da boom boom boom, badda wadda badda wadda CRASH CRASH CRASH CRASH" Which was the sound of my crashes crashing into him, cause I'd had enough of his shite.

For normal people: This is my drum kit
For drummers: This is what I beat the piss out of instead of normal people


And now if you'll kindly please excuse me, I must feed this sudden urge, at all costs, to steal one of your cars and drive it into the nearest swimming pool I can find. Immediately.

Yells+ Heeeey Nickooooo! Surf's up, mate! My treat this time.

:P :D
I’m not a drummer and I don’t play any instruments so I have little to add but that is a fine sentence indeed.
Why thank you, Boroking. lol That's precisely what I thought about it. I thought I'd have people laughing their tits off. :p I certainly did while I wrote it. (granted cannabis was involved, and definitely things that drummers and musicians are more likely to get are in there but id say its pretty obvious this is intended to be humorous)

Not to cast a fishing line or anything (ok it very much is) but I thought for sure Id get a laughing face like from someone for my silliness or especially my Keith Moon reference alone, (one of the best drummers ever) besides a little nicko reference thrown in. But nope, I'm just not the right humor type for these folks it seems. :p The life of being a drummer, yo. Ya stingy likers!
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Why thank you, Boroking. lol That's precisely what I thought about it. I thought I'd have people laughing their tits off. :p I certainly did while I wrote it. (granted cannabis was involved, and definitely things that drummers and musicians are more likely to get are in there but id say its pretty obvious this is intended to be humorous)

Not to cast a fishing line or anything (ok it very much is) but I thought for sure Id get a laughing face like from someone for my silliness or especially my Keith Moon reference alone, (one of the best drummers ever) besides a little nicko reference thrown in. But nope, I'm just not the right humor type for these folks it seems. :p The life of being a drummer, yo. Ya stingy likers!

I was remiss not to chuck over a laugh react so I’ve remedied that. Anyway I’ll stop squatting in a thread I can add nothing too
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Just to add some content besides my properly ridiculous zest, its been rather interesting to me trying to play and learn songs from both Nicko and Clive over the years. I'm not going to do any "who's best" nonsense, everyone knows Clive is my drummer hero anyway, so I'm far too biased. lol Plus, they're genuinely both amazing, and it really is, in my opinion, just a matter of preference. But Id like to share my thoughts on things I noticed when playing, and see if other drummers agree, get the same vibes, or what they think.

Nicko - Very fluid and flowy. He moves in and out of his arrangements rather well, and seems to prefer technical finesse and consistency with his sound. Very good layered symmetrical and linear coordination. He also is one of those big-time drummers (seemingly to me) who actually play everything on his set but only in certain moments he picks quite carefully, like an experienced strategist. And then for those tune alternating rarer crashes and ride legato hits without a choke on his outer rack. He knows precisely where everything is and just when to hit it. And he utilizes the rest of his rig well for smooth grace and ghost notes. Incredibly refined style, and so very smooth. His half and quarter time permutations are just as smooth as the rest of his style, which is quite impressive, and his hit volume consistency is quite impeccable, especially when I saw them live.

Clive - Very sharp, pronounced, and precise style. Incredible feel and groove from every hit, and legendary time fills to make your heart melt. Unbeatable precision for a more aggressive style. Like Nicko, he can roll through any permutations like clockwork, and has impeccable timing judgment. Prefers complex and rolling patterns with full bars, though he implements some of the most well done quarter and half-time hits I've ever heard. Amazing double stroke rolls and 4 way melodic coordination while being able to implement the asymmetrical at any time. Being a powerful hi-hat and x-hat magician, he also has extremely well finessed flangs and chokes, which echo with character do to his edgier style of play. Watching him work them and the rides live is bliss. Bass drum hits are rich and full, but without too much ghosting or staccato. His tunings and preferred tones blew my mind when I first learned what he does. It balances to his style of play perfectly and you can hear his perfecting of the art in the FLACs for the first 3 albums.