World Cup of Maidenfans 2.0 Sweet 16: Round 6

Which is the better artist?

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I don't actively listen to either bands. I did hear all albums of both bands, but it's not something I listen to regularly. My criteria in this case is amount of legendary/iconic songs I get back to. And in that case AC/DC wins. Technical prowess means nothing to me.
Just because Angus Young doesn't play highly technical stuff doesn't mean he doesn't have talent either. He can play his stuff pretty flawlessly while flailing on the floor like a maniac, which ain't exactly easy :P

And if legendary songs is the factor, Queen > Beatles :P
Just because Angus Young doesn't play highly technical stuff doesn't mean he doesn't have talent either. He can play his stuff pretty flawlessly while flailing on the floor like a maniac, which ain't exactly easy :p

Just what I was about to type up.
It's such a "prog nerd" thing to harp about.
Also, I can only pick out a handful of good Rush riffs, but AC/DC has an just endless supply of them.
Although I'm an avid Prog fan, technical prowess means nothing to me either. But overall Rush have much better musical ideas, sound and execution. They're just much more exciting.

Bear in mind that I said "artistic value".
I can agree with ideas and sound being a part of "artistic value" but execution? That is the definition of technical prowess.
No, it's the definition of performance. If you perform say a very basic song perfectly, that's the indicator of performance, not technical prowess. Performance, execution, delivery whatever you want to call it.
Idea and sound? How is that even applicable? AC/DC clearly have an idea and sound for their music too... it's just a different one.
How do you get that I think AC/DC don't have an idea or sound from this:
But overall Rush have much better musical ideas, sound and execution.
Is beyond me. The question is not having them or not , it's having them in what way.

Idea = Originality, creativity, experimentation etc.
Sound = Deepness, atmosphere, (Depending on genre) cleanness or harshness, production quality, layers, effects etc.
Execution = Performance, delivery, sounding inspired etc.

And these criterias all depend on personal taste. these criterias make up "artistic value" in my eyes, and all I'm saying is that I think Rush have a much better sense of these stuff than AC/DC.

*Edited to avoid babbling too much
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I voted AC\DC not because is the better band, but it's the band i know better.
Understand that a pre-teen listening to Thunderstruck with a walkman in the middle of a boring school was amazing. Their Live album was my first rock album, i was what, 12 or 13 or something. That was the reason.
I can't debate each band, and like Flash said, those criterias depends on personal tastes, and there are in my opinion other type of criteria, like a particular memory of one band or member, for instance.

Nobody can take out emotion of music, and sometimes emotion is more important than technical ability.

So if this is a World Cup, imagine Angus scored at the 90th minute and Rush is calling it off-side.
The question in all these World Cup matches is "Who is the better artist?" In order to answer this, one has to first define the term "artist" & then decide who is the better of the pair. Since nobody even mentions defining this (since it's a fun game) & on top of this there is no evidence that there is any forum consensus on the definition --I fail to see why you're all talking about this now. I mean, Rotam has just said he voted for AC/DC because "it's the band i know better"! o_O
I always find myself in unnecessary arguments. Probably because I use obscure terms quite often. Although I think "value of technical prowess in music" and "criterias in the valuation of music" are good subjects to argue on, it turned into me trying to explain the usage of terms. Sorry for my part, people.

I have to admit best vs. favorite discussion annoys the crap out of me.
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