Iced Earth

I think Stu nailed it, even though no one can sing it like Barlow. I don't really see why you guys think it's not awesome. I know Foro doesn't like the lyrics but he obviously isn't familiar with Spawn :p
His notes are on, but it's a lame Barlow impression. It was cute, like once, but now it's just irritating. It's like that guy QR got but with even less identity. The sad thing is unlike the QR guy, we've heard Stu's true voice with Into Eternity and it's awesome. Aside from that, the performance is dull and is ready to fall apart at any second. Rhythmically they're not on. Even at the beginning, you see Jon turn to the drum riser to try and get some pulse happening. That band needs to either get some people who can actually play their instruments or rehearse more.
A good drummer who hasn't really delivered much in the past ten years. But I don't want to have that discussion again.

Honestly I think the band is just under rehearsed. Because the guy they replaced Smedley with is good too. They make so many mistakes live, especially Troy. The material isn't that hard, a week of rehearsals before a tour would do wonders.
His notes are on, but it's a lame Barlow impression. It was cute, like once, but now it's just irritating. It's like that guy QR got but with even less identity. The sad thing is unlike the QR guy, we've heard Stu's true voice with Into Eternity and it's awesome. Aside from that, the performance is dull and is ready to fall apart at any second. Rhythmically they're not on. Even at the beginning, you see Jon turn to the drum riser to try and get some pulse happening. That band needs to either get some people who can actually play their instruments or rehearse more.

Not sure if the drummer is good enough for Iced Earth, live. He can't keep tempo. From other vids I noticed he tends to accelerate at times, and do messy (and too quick) breaks on the toms.

Here a good sounding concert with good old Smedley:
I know that Iced Earth is Jon Schaffer's band and he owns the name, but, if he keeps changing band members is there, apart from him and the songs, any point in touring as Iced Earth anymore? The name is essentially his stage name and not really a band at all. It annoys the hell out of me when bands change members more often than Taylor Swift changes boyfriends.
Well, that's classic Iced Earth. It's been like that since the band was formed. I try not to get too attached to IE band members cause they rarely last long. The only lineups I care about are the AIA lineup and the last lineup with Barlow. I think the current one is fine, but I'm pretty sure Troy or Stu will be gone within the next one or two years.
Yeah. Apart from the drummer, the touring line-up was stable from Something Wicked til Horror Show tour.
Troy is quite long in the band, and so was Smedley.
They have always been quite stable on the guitar players. The first was there since the eighties and he stayed til Dark Saga!
Here a good sounding concert with good old Smedley:
The one that was overdubbed to hell? No thanks. It sounds like I'm listening to a studio album. I'll stick with AiA (which is also filled with overdubs, but still not as bad). Here's a concert with good audio/video quality and no overdubs:

This is also the concert that made me think that they were in serious need of a new drummer. He's on tempo and all, but there's no power, no aggression. Dull drumming. But I agree that the new guy is no good either, despite what I said earlier in the thread. He sounds good on his own, with the rest of the band, not so much.

The lineup thing is definitely annoying. Probably doesn't matter who they get for a singer though since Jon will just force him to sound like Barlow. But Troy should be the next to go.
Based on the videos on his YouTube page, I think that the new drummer is fine. He made some mistakes, but that's normal since he just started playing with them. Troy was terrible in the beginning, but got much better over time, meaning he practiced the solos he used to fuck up.

I compared some amateur videos of the Kourion show with the DVD and I can't really hear any overdubs. At least not vocal overdubs. Maybe a guitar lead here and there but that's it.
Thanks for the heads up and the link. Always a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon, watching Metal festival streams!

Gravedigger on now and their singer sounds absolutely horrible :blink:
I hear Grave Digger was a good influence on Sabaton. In several ways.

I do not only hear it, it seems it is true. Just searched and found this:
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Two of you have a preference for Grave Digger. Now you do your tour with Grave Digger. Does a bit of a dream became true or would any other band be also welcome?

To do a tour with Grave Digger is for me and Daniel really cool, because when we were young we were listening to Grave Digger and they were one of the main influences when we started to play.
Initially, I played with Daniel Long before the band Sabaton started. We played in school together with two other guys. All Heavy Metal freaks and we did the head banger thing in the school. We said we start a band and none of us could play. But we learned and we heard Grave Digger as one of our things that we wanted to become. So of course it is cool to play with them but it is not our biggest dream. Our dream is not to be the support of Grave Digger. Our dream is to be the headliner of such a tour.
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Bald werdet ihr zusammen mit GRAVE DIGGER und POWERWOLF auf Tour gehen. Freut ihr euch? Was können Fans von dieser Tour erwarten?

Dieses Package ist großartig, wir sind so glücklich, diese tollen Bands auf der Tour zusammen zu bringen. GRAVE DIGGER ist eine große Inspirationsquelle für SABATON und mit ihnen auf Tour zu gehen wird klasse. Und mit solchen Truppen im Vorprogramm werden wir mehr gehypt als jemals zuvor. Im Gegensatz zur letzten Europa-Tour werden wir die Setliste auch drastisch verändern.
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There's the musical connection. But also the urge to venture into historical topics/battles.

Even the styles of the singing have something in common although the Sabaton singer is less Muppetish. He's better in singing with a normal voice, but when he tries to sound harder, the technique isn't that different. It's lower, and sounds more common and less weird.
Off-topic comment: I need to play Sabaton albums soon (I think they are all on YouTube), since they open for Maiden in Stockholm!