UK Politics

I also find it funny that the average metric wine bottle (750ml) is actually a good bit bigger than a pint, so not sure why it's a triumph having smaller bottles.
Remembering those who died in 2023, I would never forget Glenda Jackson. Fabulous actor, great politician, and somebody who always called a spade a spade:


And it was this cunt who first brought up the idea of voter ID. To solve a problem that never existed but to dissuade younger and ethnic minority voters thus bettering the chances of permanent Tory rule.

I hope the fuckers get wiped out this year.
And it was this cunt who first brought up the idea of voter ID. To solve a problem that never existed but to dissuade younger and ethnic minority voters thus bettering the chances of permanent Tory rule.

I hope the fuckers get wiped out this year.
As a American who knows nothing about UK politics, what's up with that? The Tory party has been a disaster for as long as I can remember and it feels like there has been no political backlash for Brexit and the line of historically bad PMs (Boris, Truss, et. al.). Is there any chance for Tories not to have government control any time soon? How have they managed to stay in power so long?
As a American who knows nothing about UK politics, what's up with that? The Tory party has been a disaster for as long as I can remember and it feels like there has been no political backlash for Brexit and the line of historically bad PMs (Boris, Truss, et. al.). Is there any chance for Tories not to have government control any time soon? How have they managed to stay in power so long?
They've held power for so long due to there being a weak opposition in parliament (until recently) and a complacent or biased media willing to defend them and look the other way.

Nearly everyone in government knows that Brexit was a disaster but are still to scared to admit their mistakes.

As for the general election, Rishi Sunak is attempting to hold that back for as long as possible, perhaps until after the US elections (to see if Trump gets back in or not). And they're sinking in the polls. Which is what makes them more dangerous at the moment as they're drifting to the far right in order to shore up any votes they might have left.
New York Times: Assange Can Appeal Extradition to U.S., British Court Rules. The WikiLeaks founder won his bid to appeal his extradition to the United States on espionage charges, opening a new chapter in a prolonged legal battle.

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I'm not holding my breath, seeing as the voting public do a lot less research these days and a lot more voting on sentiment and stereotyping, but yes, I see the same route the party followed in the 90s.

Little to no coherent plan, bitter infighting, and giving greater priority to gripes about society than being the party of business.