Bruce Dickinson

No, it's not the Return of the King (Adrian), but just an announcement about a new remastered edition of Accident Of Birth. :p

Or a new Trooper beer... :D
Thing is though, it's just the Accident of Birth video and the shots are really focusing on Bruce, not Adrian - he just happens to be standing right next to Bruce so the shitty phone video crop job inevitably includes him as well. If it was like, idk, live clips or photos and such then maybe there'd be a case that Adrian being prominently featured is meant to be taken as a hint, but as it is I'm not convinced. I hope I'm wrong, of course.
I sure hope it is a hint of Adrian back in the band, but I kinda doubt it. But who knows other than the two guys. It could also be as simple as Bruce is looking forward to play some of his catalouge again, it’s been 20 years since last time he played these songs
The clip is still available for me. Seems too blatant and intentional for it not to be confirmation that Adrian is involved.

If it's not confirmation then it's a deliberate wind up. I can understand the idea of putting out a clip with "it's been too long we've missed you" when it has been too long since Bruce released anything, but if that is the only message you want to send, then use a clip without Adrian in it because people are only going to think one thing.

I'm 50:50 on this, as Bruce is definitely capable of that sort of wind up but also, little clues before revealing things was the way of doing things for Senjutsu.

Or it could just be whoever does his instagram never copped that putting a clip with Adrian in it may signal something more than intended.
I can understand the idea of putting out a clip with "it's been too long we've missed you" when it has been too long since Bruce released anything,
That was my first thought. Now the page shared bits of TOTD video.

He didn't reveal his setlist, right?

I'd say: high chance of Adrian being part of the tour - and small chance of Adrian being part of the album.
One of the mods on the official forum posted a response to some guy saying "adrian will NOT be on the tour with Bruce"
I'd say: high chance of Adrian being part of the tour
Well, clearly these two things don't go together.

Is there a screen shot of the mod's response somewhere? I assume the official forum is behind a fan club paywall.
Well, clearly these two things don't go together.

Is there a screen shot of the mod's response somewhere? I assume the official forum is behind a fan club paywall.
As I said before, FC members are not informed about everything. However, they are more likely to be informed about something.

I'd say H playing on the album is more likely than H playing on tour.

I'd say at this point that it's unlikely that H will tour with Bruce considering the FC info (despite that clip), but still not impossible. Usually a very small circle around IM camp knows exactly what's going on. IMFC forum mods are usually not among them.
That was my first thought. Now the page shared bits of TOTD video.

He didn't reveal his setlist, right?

I'd say: high chance of Adrian being part of the tour - and small chance of Adrian being part of the album.
Album is one thing but these videos seems more like promotion for compilation of best songs that may be released before album launch. Not everybody know Bruce's solo discography so that would be smart move.