What about"The Wörld is Yours" the new Motörhead album?


A Vivid example of masculine pulchritude
The Wörld Is Yours is out in Europe (December 13) and is about to be released in the US (this month). What do those of you who listened to it think of the CD?


For me, it is a hell of a good rock and roll album (Rock ‘n’ Roll Music, Bye Bye Bitch Bye Bye [this title is great!], Get Back In Line)!
There are also a couple of surprising (Brotherhood Of Man) and more complex rock tracks (Outlaw).

I don't exactly know to which extent the documentary (49% Motherfucker, 51 % Son Of A Bitch: Lemmy – The Movie) about Lem' made it into the US and other places in the world but in Europe (and France, my country) it got very good reviews. It is a great movie and the bonus tracks are also very valuable.


We Are Motörhead And We Play rock And Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really like motorhead but Lemmy is one of the coolest dudes on the planet. I do want to see that doc. Didn't realize it was out yet.