Little Mosque on the Prairie


Ancient Mariner
CBC TV has begun a new sitcom series called "Little Mosque on the Prairie". It's about a community of Muslims who have located themselves in a small town in rural Saskatchewan and are coping with the every-day realities of being a Muslim Canadian in a post-9/11 world.
They joke about religion - all religions. They mock the stereotypical small-town bigotry, as well as the fundamentalist conservatism.

The show's creator/producer is a Muslim-Canadian woman who has essentially lived the life of the characters, and they seem to touch on many of the important issues of the day using comedy, such as racial profiling, intolerance, terrorism, etc.

odd for a Canadian TV show, before it even aired, Little Mosque recieved extensive coverage in the national and international media for its potentially-volatile csubject matter. Canada's Imams, however, urged their followers to actually watch the show before they condemn it. Canada's large Muslim community has reacted favourably to the show, though only two episodes have aired.

The pilot show is available on You Tube in 4 parts, if anyone cares to watch.
The show's website is

My question is this: Does anyone see this kind of humour as a problem? Do you think it might be a sign that we're beginning to move beyond the paranoia which exists about Muslims?
I don't mean to thump my chest or be arrogant about my country, but it's my opinion that if a show like this doesn't "work" in Canada (ie gets cancelled due to complaints), then the res tof the world is pretty much doomed.
I think the "paranoia about Muslims" is mainly coming from the Bush administration and people who watch Fox News. Most sane people realize that most Muslims are peaceful, as are most people of other religions. Even most fundamentalists, while they might vigorously promote their religion, are still non-violent. It's only a small number who are willing to kill or even die for their religion. Sadly, that small number are the ones who get on the news for doing things like blowing up universities in Baghdad.

I'm not going to watch the pilot (sorry, just not interested), but I do hope the show succeeds.
I hope it succeeds or fails on its merits or demerits and not due to complaints.  Having said that, I loved the clips I've seen especially the two airport scenes.  I have heard good things about it, too.  Unfortunately, I do not spend much time watching the boob tube.
I watched the pilot when it first came on CBC and I can't imagine the show doing very good just wasn't that funny, I'll admit that the airport scene was funny but other then that I didn't find it funny. I also think that the show was extremely overhyped on CBC with commercials for it being on almsot constantly, even when it was actually on.