
You can call me Livy. I love to draw, although I'm no expert yet. Drawing the Iron Maiden guys is fun, plus good practice. I like making comics, too. I can draw realistic, cartoon and I'm practicing manga. Here's Nicko.

Hello and welcome aboard. Why don't you change your forum name to Livy then? It's easier to remember people if they don't have Maiden generics for display name and avatar :)
Welcome, and I second Zare's sentiment.

Not many here will remember it, but I also joined this forum with a Maiden-related generic name but switched to this one a couple of months later.
maidenturkey2004 or something like that. Shadow used to be MaidenSweden. There's a few others who had successful name changes.
So it checks out, I know you only as The Flash :) @Caught_Somewhere_ In_Time, you do it by prefixing a @ symbol right before writing the screen name.
I can't seem to find option to rename yourself, I guess that was the SMF forum software thing we used before.

Edit : spaces too.