Might as well have one here.
I just got back from seeing Batman v Superman. It was OK. I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it. Ultimately I think it's problem is going to be that it was one of the most overhyped movies ever and it was just merely "good", or worse.
But anyway, here's my review, I'll try not to get too spoiler-y but I'll use tags just in case:
I just got back from seeing Batman v Superman. It was OK. I didn't hate it but I also didn't love it. Ultimately I think it's problem is going to be that it was one of the most overhyped movies ever and it was just merely "good", or worse.
But anyway, here's my review, I'll try not to get too spoiler-y but I'll use tags just in case:
- Batman. Ben Affleck's performance was fantastic. He has the potential to be better than Bale, but he still needs his own movie to fully flesh out his character first. This was a much more comic book-y adaptation of Batman IMO, he was very intimidating and the stealth factor played a huge part here.
- Alfred. I loved that they did something different with this character, he was a badass.
- Wonder Woman. She wasn't amazing like some of the reviews are saying, but she was very enjoyable and a total badass. Perfect way to introduce her to the big screen IMO.
- The action sequences. The action was way better here than any Marvel movie or even the Nolan Batman movies. The shaky cam wasn't too annoying and the fights didn't seem choreographed at all. The actual Batman versus Superman fight lived up to the hype, even if the rest of the movie didn't.
- One of my concerns was that there'd be too much focus on the Justice League and attention would be taken away from BVS, but that wasn't the case here. The cameos of the other JL members were cool and Wonder Woman was used just the right amount
- The death of Superman. I didn't think they would do it, which made me disappointed that they had Doomsday, but they did and it was very well done.
- The story. The story was unbelievably bad. It was like they were trying to cram 2 or 3 different movies into one. I think it would've benefitted from having a standalone Batman movie beforehand, even though I liked that they were introducing him later in his career. Not only did it feel cramped, but it also just really bored me. I didn't really feel engaged with any of the various plots and whenever I did start to feel some level of engagement, it cut away to something else. It was paced like an episode of a TV show, which really doesn't work in the context of a near 3 hour movie.
- Seeing Bruce Wayne's parents die, again. I actually get why they decided to do this, given the payoff at the end of the movie with Kent's mom, but I think it was executed poorly. Honestly the movie lost me right away with that beginning, I was anxious for them to get that bit out of the way so we could get to the real stuff. It didn't really bring anything fresh to the story and the whole railroad tracks thing was stupid. That cut to Martha Wayne's grave during the Batman Superman fight was effective enough.
- The trailer really ruined this movie. Had they not revealed Doomsday, there would've been a lot more drama and mystery to the entire movie. There's a whole subplot around Lex Luthor creating Doomsday and it's incredibly boring because you know where it's going. That Doomsday reveal could've been one of the greatest moments of the movie if they hadn't spoiled it.
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