A small moment of embarrassment.


Keeping an open eye on the Weeping Angels.
You'd think that of all people the UK government would know how the Union Flag should be flown (albeit a small plastic one), but in signing a trade agreement with China in Downing Street, they had it placed upside down (Source).

A little embarrassing, don't you think. :D

OK, it might seem a little trivial and most people outside the UK may not even notice if it is upside down or not, but as I said you really would think our own Government would not make this type of error. Anything to divert attention from the shoe hurling incident, I guess. ;)
I would have noticed that something is wrong with that flag, but I would have attributed it to poor manufacturing instead of it flying upside down...
It's not trivial, it's very important!


That is horrible. Imagine a team of people raising an American flag upside down at 8:00 sharp during a VERY important retirement ceremony..... no excuses there. Talk about embarrassing.
Some flags can be flown upside down and it would be obvious that it was - like the US flag, but the Union Flag is not so obvious. I like the bit at the end of the piece where it gives an example of how it is used by the military:

"Having the flag upside down historically was a sign of distress. You might have it put it up on a fort to warn those in the know - other British forces - that there was trouble from the enemy.

"Forces from other nations wouldn't have noticed. It was like a sort of code."

How ignorant am I, I never new that. :D
I don't know why anyones surprised by our Government setting the Union Jack upside down.They couldn't care less.They hate Britain and everything it represents now and in the past.The vast majority of our Government including our Chancellor were fully paid up members of the communist party, and did everything they could to destroy Britain in the 70,s through strikes etc.
I can't say I am familiar with UK politics, but if you are referring to the Lord Chancellor Jack Straw, I don't see any reference of him being a Communist...Labour, yes, and thus mildly socialist.
The Chancellor of the exchequer Alistair Darling.Take it from me, he ,and incidentally Jack Straw were fully paid up members.Iknow politicians are hypocrites by nature, but I remember our chief warmonger Tony Blair protesting at Greenham Common with all the other anti Nuke demonstrators.
I suppose there is a difference between nuclear war and the war in Iraq (mind you, I support neither).  I know what you mean, though.