Why not use the Kiss thread for detailed discussion?

This was a natural discussion that stemmed off of a comment I made about a song I was playing earlier. I truthfully didn't expect anyone to indulge. I was happy to see this and just responded to Kalata's remark in here. I don't think Kalata will be responding to my short comment about his post. Now Playing, in my eyes, is a good place for exchanges like that.

Let's say I'm listening to a Whitesnake song, ok, and I notice Tommy Aldridge's drumming on that track is particularly good. I'm not going to text my friend and tell him I think that Tommy Aldridge's drumming on Bad Boys is good, no, my friend doesn't care and he would ask me why I texted him that. Instead, I just like to post my random thoughts pertaining to songs I am currently listening to in here (Now Playing).

If people like Kalata want to indulge in my often random remarks on songs, they can, but I never really expect anyone to reply to me in here.

Overkill - Necroshine
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The feeling of listening to new Pearl Jam music. Indescribable.