Yax's new Satriani style (kind of) guitar instrumental

Maybe it's because I've listened more to Priest than to Satch but it reminds of K.K. Downing going mad in Sinner. :)
Forostar said:
Maybe it's because I've listened more to Priest than to Satch but it reminds of K.K. Downing going mad in Sinner. :)
Yeah I've got some KK to me as well.  :p But the song itself has a Satch feel to it, at least in my ears (plus the Satriani licks in the solos of course) but you do definitely have a point.
SinisterMinisterX said:
I see the Sinner comparison, but it is very Satch.

And very good!
Thanks a lot!  :D
I've got a few more ideas for guitar instrumentals lined up. I just need to get started writing.