World Cup of Maidenfans 2.0: Opening Round 21

Which is the better artist?

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Living for Sanctuary from the law
Staff member
Previous round (Queen versus Kreator) remains open for voting here:
Slayer is minutes away from defeating Foo Fighters to move on.

In the blue corner, from Hamburg Germany, weighing in with 14 albums that pioneered the bombastic sub genre of power metal

In the red corner, from Hanover, Germany, weighing in with 16 group albums with his band and a handful of solo projects featuring melodic hard rock and brilliant lead guitar

I'll vote for just about anything before I vote for Helloween.
You've chosen some really unusual choices for the example tracks at times 'dog :)

Schenker all the way here - even if it's only based on MSG and not his solo work/UFO/McAuley
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You've chosen some really unusual choices for the example tracks at times 'dog :)

Schenker all the way here.

Think so?
I usually try to go with one of the more popular tracks without trying to be screamingly obvious.
I'll do some quick research on the net if it's a band I'm not too familiar with.

As far as this vote goes, Helloween gets bonus points for being pioneers, but Schenker has so many more good and varied songs and is such a gifted player.
Schenker, easily for me.
Think so?
I usually try to go with one of the more popular tracks without trying to be screamingly obvious.
I'll do some quick research on the net if it's a band I'm not too familiar with.

The Queen choice surprised me the most I think. This one (Schenker) is on his greatest hits so it's not that random, just not the one I expected heh, I was thinking you'd choose one of Assault Attack, Lost Horizons, Cry for the Nations or an instrumental - mostly Cry.
As far as this vote goes, Helloween gets bonus points for being pioneers, but Schenker has so many more good and varied songs and is such a gifted player.
Schenker, easily for me.
Helloween has done more varied stuff than some of you might think. And in their ranks they have one of the most melodic (and best) bass players from the continent. Markus Grosskopf weaves catchy patterns through the music, it clearly contributes to the band's own identity.

In my eyes they created a new combination of speed, aggression and melody. They combined the aggression of Priest/trash/early Metallica with lots of melody and fast harmonies.

They've always had gifted guitar players in their ranks. And some bloody beautiful guitar solos... Here a song that was a bit more out of the ordinary:

Giants. IMO the best metal song from the year 1993 (on -admittedly- probably the worst album released in that year):
Check this out: 3:00 - 4:50 --> Schenker is very capable but to me he misses the melodic depth and catchiness in both his solos and songwriting. I yet need to hear a part in a Schenker song of the same length that can impress me more.

Like Maiden and Iced Earth, Helloween have made some really good long epic songs with lots of variation.

With Schenker I keep waiting til something intriguing happens... and with Helloween is doesn't take long before you're in the middle of it...

Next to lead guitar work, here an example that emphasizes more on riffs. Mindblowing riffs...! With Roland Grapow they did not only had a talented solo player but his riffs were so fast and tight... while still catchy at the same time.
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There's a lot of Helloween discography I dislike but also plenty I love. With Roland Grapow, in addition to great guitar playing, they also had great backing vocals. 2:54 in Steel Tormentor video is funny :D.