Tell me why I shouldn't like (your favorite musician here)

When I was little, he got me confused with the Estonian band Kala, which means fish in English. I thought the band and the singer were the same thing.

Scott Travis
Possibly the greatest drummer ever, with such iconic drum parts and playing. Also the most awesome one to watch, live and in video clips.

Does not vary his drum solos which turn these exercises into clinical routine. I rather see more improvisation.

Nicko McBrain
His guitar tone sucks and he takes way too long to make new music.

Floor Jansen
That's a tough one. I saw Cheap Trick live this year and he sounded great.

I guess I could say he wasted his potential (along with the rest of the band) by making bland power pop in the 80s.

Edit: Forgot to name a new musician.

Kevin Moore