Misheard lyrics


Before the days of the internet when it was impossible to just look up lyrics, and they were absent from the cassette sleeve, I remember singing the line from TNOTB "a reflection of my walkman staring back at me" (or 'warped mind' as it should be - an old favourite 'misheard' line). What lines have you guys misheard from Maiden (or others)?
Yeah, same for me with Number of the Beast. But, Clairvoyant I thought it was "It's time to meet Jamaica" which doesn't make any sense at all  :P, but I found it's "It's time to meet your maker.
"Hell and fire was spawned to be released" in The Number of The Beast.

I always thought it was "Hell and fire was sworn to be the least".
Before reading the little booklet in the CD, I thought all the chorus was for The Greater Good of God was "Please tell me now what love is", I didn't realise there was also a life and war lol.
Archer18 said:
Yeah, same for me with Number of the Beast. But, Clairvoyant I thought it was "It's time to meet Jamaica" which doesn't make any sense at all  :P, but I found it's "It's time to meet your maker.

I got it, but thought it was hillarious that her say that  :P
Afraid to Shoot Strangers: Trying to visualise the harvest that will lie ahead - what's so bad about a harvest?
Isle of Avalon: The fruit of her body laden through the Congo  :huh:
It appears that the line "when I was living this life" is actually "when I was living this lie"

Did not know that.
Donner said:
"Through the fucking ice"
glad i wasn't the only one to hear it that way. Still have no clue if he sings it "fucker or fokker" though.

Mostly because of "Damn, that's hilarious how come that I haven't noticed that?" or "Shit, I thought I was the only one"
From Rime of the Ancient Mariner :

"and the ship sails on, back to the north
through the fucking ice and the albatross follows on"

"the albatross begins with its vengeance
a terrible curse a first has begun"