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I'm not confused by the fact that some people like to have milk with their coffee. What confuses me is that you can't have coffee because you're out of milk, although you want to have coffee.
Yeah I bet you wish you had my life. :D I am going to Edinburgh tomorrow though, so at least I'm doing something other than sitting in front of my laptop of the television. Then on Wednesday I have an interview at a science centre, part of which is conducting and explaining a science experiment as if it were for 8-10 year olds.

Good luck with those!
You still don't get it, do you? It wouldn't kill you if you had black coffee once.
You wanted coffee. Have coffee, ffs.
It's kind of like wanting to have a party & then realising that you don't have any booze in the house. And then you guys being like all "why do you need drink to have a party?" and "you either have a party or you have a drink"...
Black coffee is too bitter for my taste. I have milk in my coffee too, I don't claim to be a coffee enthusiast so no need to judge.

Only coffee I can have without milk is Turkish coffee, which is ironically even more bitter.