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I talked to a few people who also went to Budapest, and we all found that we were lacking this vital piece of information beforehand. We all actually made the same experience.
I saw my lifetimes fill of fat hairy men in Euro-Speedos in Sopot .. if at all possible, I will avoid seeing it again.
Fuck that ... pass!

Cool, yeah .. it should be fun ... going to look for a place to stay this week. That is the only place we are going, so I'll probably skip getting a car this time and just figure out how to get to city center (think we will probably try to stay on the Buda side, a quick glance makes it seem like there is a bit more to do there than the Pest side) from the airport.
It does not seem like it should be hard to get from one side to the other though .. however this will be my first time relying on public transit on a trip to a non English speaking country. So who knows where the hell we will end up :)
Nice feeling, eh?

I was home last night, just relaxing. Yesterday, I spent more waking hours at my house than I have in the last two weeks together. Phew.

Also, had a phone interview for an IT job with a company that is 5 miles from my house!
Crap. A bus has been hijacked on one of the main roads between Oslo and Bergen. Several injuries, according to the news.

EDIT: And now they report that the hijacker has been arrested. Phew. Hope noone was killed.
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