Gay parade banned in Moscow...again

Night Prowler

Customer Deathcycle Manager
Staff member
Gay parade banned in Moscow

Moscow, May 18: Moscow's city government has officially rejected an application to hold a gay pride parade in the Russian capital.

"Moscow's authorities have prohibited the gay pride parade due to a number of complaints," Moscow's deputy mayor, Luydmila Shevtsova, said yesterday in a late night statement.

Representatives of religious groups, ultra-nationalists and the Moscow City Parent Committee had filed complaints against the parade.

Former Moscow mayor, Yury Luzkhov, who was in power for 18 years before being dismissed by President Dmitry Medvedev in September, famously described gay parades as "satanic." However, the capital's gay community had expressed hope that a parade would be permitted by new mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Sobyanin said in February he was not in favour of the idea.

Last October, the European Court of Human Rights fined Russia for banning gay parades in Moscow. The Strasbourg court said fears that such marches could provoke violence were unfounded and ordered Russia to pay 41,090 dollars in damages and legal fees.

Gay activists who have tried to march in Moscow without permission have come under attack from hardcore nationalists and religious groups, or were set upon by police.


Gay parade was held in Belgrade last year. There were thousands of policeman protecting gays, and some hardcore nationalists were wreaking havoc on everything in their sight (mostly shops and cars), but they didn't manage to get nowhere near the parade itself. After the parade, the city was left with millions of euros worth of damage. It was a "normal" parade - you wouldn't even know that it was a gay parade if someone didn't told you.

What is your opinion about this? Should the parade in Moscow be held, with the risk of nationalists attacking both gays and the police?

If it was organised as the one in Belgrade - minus the damage - I say yes.

If it was organised as a parade that I saw on TV (I'm not sure if it was in Canada or USA)... I say no. It included lots of naked people, things like two guys walking around completely naked, with one of them holding another ones dick in his hand etc. I mean, I can stand everything, but that was just too much. I'd be OK with that, if heterosexual parade of that type ever happens... If gays are allowed to walk naked and have sex in the middle of the street, then heterosexuals should be allowed to do that too. Fair enough, right?
Forostar said:
Let them eject their sperm on all those streets, which are already defiled by black boots.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that in Belgrade a considerable part of those "nationalists" were actually hooligan football fans.
The Rules said:
Messages with a blatant bigoted content will be deleted and the poster will see his/her warn level increased. Insults to other board members will be frowned at before being deleted, and posters who attack "newbies" immediately will be subject to the moderation process.

Putting that here now before any discussion commences. Feel free to challenge the assertation above in a respectful manner.
You all must understand that mindset of average citizen in countries like Croatia, Serbia or Russia isn't exactly democratic. It's sad to say, but homosexuals in these kind of countries have the best possible treatment they can get, in this moment. No law, or enforcement, will change that fact. In these countries, at least a half of 20-30 years old people are without perspective, "under-cultured", and really extreme. They have their football club, local gang or whatever, and they fear any kind of change. Frankly, this profile of people is dumb. Start talking about gay rights and gay parades and you heat things up. Really badly. They need to crusade against someone, and now they have a good target.

You don't need to believe me, but the best possible way for homosexual acceptance on these territories, is to negate any kind of big fuss and parades and wait a bit more for the generational shift. Idiots won't badmouth gays in front of their children, if they don't have those topics on their minds. Leave it be. Kids will be way more tolerate.

There's a guy here, a friend of a friend, who's probably gay. Or bi or something. But he's really feminine. He, at least to my knowledge, hasn't had any uncomfortable/threatening situation. Gay pride is here sometime next month. He said that there's no chance in hell that he'll leave his house on that day.

So the situation is - don't ask, don't express, people know you're homo, but don't really bother. Start bragging, and you'll fire up a collective counterstrike. Now, those people have kids who are learning about gays in school (for instance we didn't learn anything on those topics, and i went in school throughout '90s). Kids that are on-line all the time, who are really "globalised", etc. As much as i think that's really a bad thing, there's always good in bad, so they'll have contact and learn that there's nothing wrong about colour, religion, nationality, or sexual preference.

Things will settle down. Now is a really bad time.
Gays, but not gays as real people with names and faces (I know they are just like hetero ones, some of them cool, some of them not), I mean the whole concept of "loving other man as a partner" it's just blargh.
I don't know how to describe it better...
Yeah i agree. But so is the concept of someone actually listening to Britney Spears. You just don't go around banning her music.
They don't have the right to tell you how will you live. You don't have the right to tell them how will they live. Now that's a very simple concept.

Politicians in these areas fully support "all democratic rights" with no exceptions. However they also disagree with public expression of homosexuality, by propagating that that's no normal behaviour. They are threatened by conservation of traditional belief. Catholic church here enforces a lot of things. For somebody that doesn't care about religion, it's very fukcing hard to avoid all the crosses and bloody Jesuses in public institutions, transport, schools, etc. Not to mention that one church comes on 30-40 highrises / condo buildings. Politicians also abolish them, saying that's normal because over 85% of Croatian population declares itself Catholic. Any deviation from the standard stereotype model is labeled as "not normal".

My country is basically a big shithole that's funny as hell. If i had a foreign paycheck, i'd love to be here and just laugh at politicians and what they're doing, people, and what bullshit they can buy. It's a complete circus. People are backward here. Gay pride intolerance is the least of the problems in the typical Croatian mindset. Russia is no different. It's far better off country in terms of prosperity etc, but the people are still backward.

You just can't force the damned thing. These populations need to be re-educated dramatically. They ban nazi symbols of the Croatian axis puppet state of WW2, basically those that display them don't care. Or they catch too much eye and get picked up by police. But they still do it. No enforcement is going to change the fact that those people think what they're doing is right, and by forcing otherwise you only re-assure their viewpoint.

It's too late for them, but we can still save their kids.
If it was organised as a parade that I saw on TV (I'm not sure if it was in Canada or USA)... I say no. It included lots of naked people, things like two guys walking around completely naked, with one of them holding another ones dick in his hand etc. I mean, I can stand everything, but that was just too much. I'd be OK with that, if heterosexual parade of that type ever happens... If gays are allowed to walk naked and have sex in the middle of the street, then heterosexuals should be allowed to do that too. Fair enough, right?

Agreed. There's a bottom line of what you can do in the street.
I don't want display of nudity outside regulated zones (beaches, etc.), be it dicks, tits or anything in between. As much as you would like see some hot chick walking naked in the middle of the street, ask yourself do you want to see same thing with your friendly neighbor granny.

And it's also wrong on medical terms. Someone of those people is going to touch something with his pack, tomorrow there'll be a child playing there.
I really have no problem with gay marriage/domestic unions.  IMO, they should be allowed (though no one outside of a civil judge should be required to perform them).

I understand what mtmccox's point is however, the thought of the physical act does not seem so pleasant to me, but to each his own, I am sure are somethings each of us does that someone else will think is "gross"

It takes time for society to change, though it is not as rapid as some want, you cannot force someone to like or agree with something.  I personally think it is stupid to ban the gay pride march, I also think it is stupid to ban the Nazis/Nazi and related symbols.  It is wrong to punish anyone for thought/political speech (actions are a different story).
I accidentally stumbled upon some pictures from Gay parade in Zagreb that took place yesterday :puke:

A guy masturbating, ejaculating and then puting a dildo in his butt, while completely naked on a window.
A completely naked guy, surrounded by other guys, who are standing in a row to give him a blowjob.

There was also a main parade "group" that was normal. I think that these "outcasts" are just trying to make an excuse to perform their perversions on the street. And don't get me wrong, I would say the same if heterosexuals were involved. So I think that sex is a thing that should be kept private (both hetero and homo).

Btw. there were no riots or incidents, although police arrested some suspicious persons.
mtmccox said:
Gays, but not gays as real people with names and faces (I know they are just like hetero ones, some of them cool, some of them not), I mean the whole concept of "loving other man as a partner" it's just blargh.
I don't know how to describe it better...

Maybe a mind of someone who is disgusted by gays is so dirty that my concept of it would be blargh if I would pay more attention to it?

bearfan said:
I understand what mtmccox's point is however, the thought of the physical act does not seem so pleasant to me, but to each his own, I am sure are somethings each of us does that someone else will think is "gross"

Why are some people constantly busy with sex when they think about gays?
What's this fascination?

*tries to imagine someone who is disgusted by gays, meeting a gay collegue:
He gives the gay a hand but runs to the toilet to wash it immediately, thinking about what the gay might have done last night.*

That's paranoid! Because I assume these scary people wipe their own buts and do sexual things themselves as well.

Maybe some people have a fantasy that a gay will do something with him unvoluntarily, but how realistic is that?

Night Prowler said:
I accidentally stumbled upon some pictures from Gay parade in Zagreb that took place yesterday :puke:

A guy masturbating, ejaculating and then puting a dildo in his butt, while completely naked on a window.
A completely naked guy, surrounded by other guys, who are standing in a row to give him a blowjob.

That's just a non-violent reaction/revenge for all the hatred he and others got. Don't take it too seriously. The problem is that it enlarges the idea by people who already think "they" are all dirty faggots.
Forostar said:
*tries to imagine someone who is disgusted by gays, meeting a gay collegue:
He gives the gay a hand but runs to the toilet to wash it immediately, thinking about what the gay might have done last night.*
Now THAT'S stupid.

Forostar said:
The problem is that it enlarges the idea by people who already "they" are all dirty faggots.
Wha...? EDIT: Saw the edit :D
Here's a film I suggest to watch, if you haven't yet! It touches this topic.
To all of you people: black, blue, Jedi Knight, yellow, white, monkey, etc.
Go and see:

American Beauty (1999)

Don't read the outcome of the film before you watch it!
I saw some parts of the movie before on TV, but never saw it in its entirety - it was always broadcasted past midnight, when I'm too tired to concentrate on a movie. I'll watch it tomorrow :cheers:
Forostar said:
Why are some people constantly busy with sex when they think about gays?
What's this fascination?

Go live in San Fran for 6 months on a work assignment, it is quite in the open ... I really had not thought about it up to that point.    There are some things that should be kept behind closed doors  (heterosexuals as well) ... all that said, I have no problem with civil unions and the like for gays and certainly do not think they should have less rights than anyone else ...
Forostar said:
That's just a non-violent reaction/revenge for all the hatred he and others got. Don't take it too seriously. The problem is that it enlarges the idea by people who already think "they" are all dirty faggots.
But that doesn't make it OK. If anything it just does what you said, "enlarges the idea by people who already think "they" are all dirty faggots." There should (and probably is) a better way to protest.