Calling all Maiden Fans



Hi guys,

I'm a long-time Maiden fan and... I need your help!
Out of my sheer love for the band I've chosen Maiden as a topic for my dissertation  - There are many preconceptions and myths about Maidens and my aim is to make clarity. I'll be posting some questions I need your opinion on, everyone's personal experience is important. I hope some of you will be willing to help me and... give it a go.

1 - What role Iron Maiden music plays in your life? (is it just enjoying some nice music or does it mean something more to you?); can you give some examples?

2 - Iron Maiden have been consistent in their artwork (album covers, tickets, live performances, they all include Eddie for example) - what difference do you think it would have made if they hadn't?

3 - What does it mean to be a Maiden fan (I've read the commandments, but what does it mean to you)?

I look forward to hearing what you think - and I thank you in advance those who will post...

1. Maiden are my life-jacket, my safety net.  When everything else goes wrong (which, thankfully, is not very often), I always have Maiden to rely on.  I know that they're a dependable band, both in the studio and live, and that putting on any track with artist 'Iron Maiden' is going to be enjoyable.  Iron Maiden's music was what got me on this board, and I directly attribute that to a large part of my maturing.  It connects on a musical level...everything is perfect, from the bass to the drums to the guitars to the vocals, and on a lyrical level.  Sometimes, Maiden's lyrics aren't very well-refined, but they set the spark that wants you to discover more about the subject; they 'burn' with 'ambition', so to speak.

2. Maiden's image is something that is very important, yet it's not something they lean on to the excess of, say, the hair metal bands of LA.  Eddie is recognisable, as is that font.  It's something you can rely on, every time, and that's very important.  Figure how many bands have drastically changed their image or logo, rarely for the better.

3. To be a Maiden can only describe it live.  To be part of a crowd of people from across generations, all 100% committed to Maiden's gives you a thrill greater than any drug.  When you're at a gig, you connect with the band.  Maiden's music is designed to sound good live, and the participation is something's a real adrenaline rush.
Heh, you learn something new every day.  I didn't know what "dissertation" meant  so I looked it up.  Sorry for being off topic, just wanted to point that out.  :p

1. What role Maiden plays in my life?  Maiden IS my life.  :bigsmile:  Okay, exaggerating a bit there, but Maiden does have a huge role in my life.  It helps me when I'm in a bad mood (especially The X Factor, for some reason), it helps me relax, and it generally causes positive feelings.  The music and lyrics are both brilliant most of the time, and that also has a large role.  Most music I can leave as background noise, but Maiden I just can't ignore.  If I hear it, I have to listen to it.  Maiden isn't perfect, but they come close on many songs.

2. I think the image is a bit overrated, to be frank.  It wasn't the image that got me into this music or made me buy my first album.  It was the music, pure and simple.  The image is important and I really love the album covers, but in the end they are just bonus.  But they do add an extra dimension to the band.

3. I haven't been a fan for so long (only about two years), so I can't comment on this one, especially as I haven't seen Maiden live.  But being a Maiden fan instead of a Metal fan sort of makes me feel special, and I can immediately identify with another Maiden fan.  I guess I'm sort of elitist too against fans of other bands, and I do wonder often why they rate other bands (especially metal bands) higher than Maiden. 
1 - What role Iron Maiden music plays in your life? (is it just enjoying some nice music or does it mean something more to you?); can you give some examples?
Maiden are on of the few bands that when I listen to a song (when I say listen I mean, do nothing else, so it's not background music) I get an adrenaline rush. I get a feeling of excitement. And it's not just one or two songs that does that. It's the majority of their work. And this feeling amplified when I watch them live. So for me, their music is a form of escapism. It's so entertaining that it can push everything else out of your mind and all you care for is the music and the next note/lyric.

2 - Iron Maiden have been consistent in their artwork (album covers, tickets, live performances, they all include Eddie for example) - what difference do you think it would have made if they hadn't?
I'm sure it would have made some difference if it had not been there. Positive or negative I'm not sure. I think many people may see Eddie and the artwork before listening to Maiden, and get intimidated by it. I'm talking about people who like hard-rock more than metal for instance. However, once you are in to the music, then Eddie and the artwork becomes something different. It's almost like a symbol, or an identifier, almost akin to wearing a cross in terms of religion. I love wearing my maiden shirts, and people that don't know Maiden shrug them off, and roll their eyes, muttering something about "Whatever, just another black band t-shirt". But when other fans see the shirt there is a recognition, a brotherhood, and it doesn't even have to be spoken. The exception to this is the fashion/emo kids or whatever who simply wear the shirts to obtain a look. That's when it's annoying.

3 - What does it mean to be a Maiden fan (I've read the commandments, but what does it mean to you)?
A bit like what I said in 1 and 2, but to be a Maiden fan it's almost about the fans (If that makes sense). The music gives you a feeling that all these other fans share, and can unite people, regardless of generation, culture, general musical taste etc like many other bands cannot. For example, I went to GnR and Korn not too long ago, and while everyone was there for the music, I simply couldn't identify with the crowd. Everyone was different. When it comes to Iron Maiden, there is an instant clanship. A mutual feeling between all the fans. That's how I feel anyway. And I think it's incredible for a band and its music to be able to do that :)
1: Iron Maiden's music means a lot to me. Their mix of striking lyrics and epic instrumentals goes to show that their musical maturity will be enjoyable for years to come. The sheer variety of their music means I always have the right song for the right mood. They put their hearts into the music, and we all appreciate it, it keeps me going all the time!

2: For me, the artwork is just icing to the cake. Even though I've experienced Dance Of Death, it was just the cover, and I realized that the cover has no relation to how kick ass Iron Maiden can be. For me the most consistent Art-Music combo would be Brave New World. As long as Eddie lives on, Up the Irons!

3: As a Maiden fan it's shown that I love their music, nothing really special, but it helps to share interests and enjoy this great music we call Iron Maiden. It's a great thing in life to be a Maiden fan!
1. Iron Maiden has been very influential in my life. I have read numerous books, seen many movies and TV shows and studied many varied topics based solely on hearing about them through Iron Maiden songs. I can honestly say that my horizons have been broadened and I have been become a much more well rounded individual because of listening to their music.

2. I think the artwork that has continued throughout Iron Maiden's career has been very important to their success (not so much now but very much so in the 80's) I have been a fan since Number of the Beast and was very young at the time, I remember at that time that one of the biggest anticipations for young fans was wondering what Riggs had come up with for each new album and single cover. We used to love finding all of the hidden messages in the artwork, determining where the Reaper was in the pictures and finding where DR had hidden his signature. I remember video taping Wasted Years and starting and stopping the tape every second to go through and identify all the album and single covers that are displayed throughout the instrumental of the song.

3. I think what it means to be a Maiden fan is to show that you are part of an extremely intelligent fan base. Everyone in the band displays this intelligence through their music (obviously), and it takes smart individuals to understand many of their messages. Of course, most outsiders don't see it that way, grouping Maiden in with less meaningful and intelligent metal bands but to me that just shows their naivety. Knowing, loving and understanding Iron Maiden is something to be extremely proud of.
1 - What role Iron Maiden music plays in your life? (is it just enjoying some nice music or does it mean something more to you?); can you give some examples?

I have been a Maiden fan all of my adult life, I got into them when I was 12 (although I had heard BYDTTS when it got to number 1 and like that but I was a little too young to be serious about music then [10 years old]).  I have listened to them so much over the years they are just a constant in my life, like a soundtrack that has always been there. I have always appreciated Maiden's escapist type song writing, that unlike some bands they (generally) write fantasy or escapism pieces to take you away from your daily troubles and woes.  I like this story-telling type of song writing over some bands (more contemporary) who sing about real world issues and feelings, which I can find ot be a bit depressing etc.  this is not to say Maiden have never touched on feelings or real life issues, I just more appreciate the fantasy side of their song writing.  There is one exception to this though when Maiden's music touched me in a very inspirational way.  Back in 2003 my girlfrind died unexpectadly, she was very young and it was very tragic.  A few months after this happened Dance of Death came out, of course preceeded by Wildest Dreams.  At the time I was at a complete low, but Wildest Dreams really helped to pick me up and give me some energy to get though it all, the lyrics seemed very symbolic for me at the time. I saw Maiden 3 times on the DOD tour and it definately gave me something to be hopeful about at the time.

2 - Iron Maiden have been consistent in their artwork (album covers, tickets, live performances, they all include Eddie for example) - what difference do you think it would have made if they hadn't?

One of the best things about being a Maiden fan is its like supporting a football team.  You see some kid with a Maiden T-Shirt on, you know he's 'one of us', paart of 'our gang'.  I've been to dozens of Maiden gigs in various countries and every fan you meet, its like meeting another friend. the artwork etc. is integral to this as Eddie being plastered over everything gives us Maiden fans the sort of unity that you only really get in supporting a sports team and all wearing the same footie shirt for example.

3 - What does it mean to be a Maiden fan (I've read the commandments, but what does it mean to you)?

When I was younger, it meant being part of a group, rebelling against the current music scene which I hated (grunge and all that crap).  It meant sticking together with my other Maiden fan friends and holding true to REAL metal, REAL music where men are men and guitars blaze is screeching solos! As I have gotten older, Maiden are just a part of my life.  Although I don;t know the memebrs of the band on a personal level (but I have met some of them, nice chaps that they are), they feel like old friends and I am always eager to see their next gig or listen to their next album. Its also a happy remineder of my teenage metal head years which unfortunately are now behind me, when all that mattered was who had the coolest Maiden T-Shirt or patch stiched to their leather jacket.  Happy days.
1 - What role Iron Maiden music plays in your life? (is it just enjoying some nice music or does it mean something more to you?); can you give some examples?

Iron Maiden is my favorite band.  My passion for music was a slow experience. Prior to 1995, i only knew Metallica's black album, some Bon Jovi, and Gun's n Roses, apart the hits that would came and go. The first time i listened to them was when a friend presented me Real Live one and Real dead one on tape. I was... surprised. What the hell was that ? the first thing i noticed was the songs titles, they were strange and different. Then, the sound; i was instantly connected to it; i've said to myself: this is clearly me. Then, Dickinson's voice live. I was overpowered by his quality, specially after i' ve heard FOTD on RLO. So, i began to buy everything about Maiden, first the albums, then a few things i discovered at some places (the vhs, for example - first 10 years video and  12 wasted years). There was a time that i listened Live After Death or X-Factor every single day. That was a new discover to me (listen the same  album every day, not in a background style). So, Maiden opened my mind towards music. Another thing i can say is Maiden disapointed me or make me smile here or there: for instance, i remember to be quite sad after seeing raising hell, just because Bruce never was close or fooling around with his team mates, with the exception of Janick. Or when i saw Best of the Beast songs list (where´s Revelations ??), or the x-factor booklet, which didn´t include any "thank you Bruce" or "good luck Bruce", i was actually sad about this. Or the other way around - lad video version, i was amazed by their perfomance. So, i began to see them as friends, although not in the personal perspective, but people that were honest, and i could trust on (something that fails often in reality, most of the times the so-called friends or other persons around, including familly, are really dishonest).

More amazed i was when i began to read about their lives, Maiden along the time... they were never concerned about the Metal stereotypes most of the bands were, those i´ve discovered then or already  was aware about, i mean, sex, drugs, abuse of alcool... of course they have a couple of songs about it, and they are not saints, but i hope you understand my opinion here, those stereotypes were not Maiden's main concern to make music.

Some friends later on usually comment about them after i said they were becoming my favorite band: "ah, they played always the same, never change, boring...". I was surprised to hear this, because for me they write fabulous lyrics, about so many themes (History, psychological complexes, Fantasy, Horror, Mythology, War, Reality, Literature, Movies, an invented storyline, and invented plot, Dreams), have great solos, some studio versions that i simple cannot compare them to anyone else on the Metal world..  to me they were quite inventive and never boring, Maiden was really one of the finest bands on the world, if not the best (well to me, they were).

The first album that i bought after it´s immediate release was Virtual XI. So, back in 1998, after a 1997 full of Maiden discoveries, i was somewhat disappointed. I expected Maiden to achieve always a great standard (only now i am into V-XI). I am always concern about the musical capabilities, and when they are about to publish another record, i usually have doubts about is quality. This is important, because i never want Maiden to take their fans for granted, they need to be as consistent as they always were, even in their darkest periods (no one or anything is perfect in life).

So, here it is. Maiden is now a part of me. When i was on a bus or subway or going someplace, i most of the time im whispering a Maiden song... call me crazy, i don´t care... Maiden pacifies me.

Sorry for the long essay, but i think Maiden deserve it.

2 - Iron Maiden have been consistent in their artwork (album covers, tickets, live performances, they all include Eddie for example) - what difference do you think it would have made if they hadn't?

Eddie or Maiden's logo is like their trademark. For me, although it doesn't have that importance, it's something that unite the fans. It´s a symbol, so have a merchandise importance. In this particular view, i believe it makes a difference, because give to Maiden something that is not exclusively made of musique. Eddie or their artwork made them push their live perfomances a little higher, in terms of visual atmosphere, albeit Maiden's full energy on stage (another important Maiden trademark).

3 - What does it mean to be a Maiden fan (I've read the commandments, but what does it mean to you)?

I think i' ve answered this on the first question. I was in my teenage years when Metal was in deep crisis. So, it was a strange event when Maiden began to be part of my life. I never was into the group thing, because back then there wasn't any metal groups, as far as i can remember.  Also when i was younger i often thought: " hum, this metal sound, this Maiden fascination, will disappear gradually as i grown up". Well, 12 years after i first heard them, they still have the same or even more importance in my life. I am proud to have met Iron Maiden, from a musical view.  :)