Bruce Dickinson’s New Rock Show - BBC 6 Music



On Saturday 9th September Iron Maiden front-man Bruce Dickinson returns to 6 Music with an all-new, improved rock show. With a bulging record box, Bruce will ride roughshod every Saturday night for three hours with the latest, greatest new hard rock, emo, metal and extreme music, as well as a smattering of classics and obscurities. There’ll be regular visits by heavyweight names be they metal icons or eager young bucks, a weekly visit from an evil twin, classic archive and new features for listeners to get their teeth into. What more could you want?

Bruce’s guests for the first show? Gods of thrash Slayer chatting about their brand new album Christ Illusion.

Bruce Dickinson’s Rock Show – BBC 6 Music
Cheap advertisement, eh?  :innocent:

Shouldn't this be in the news?