USA Politics

A bit old .. but probably has not changed much

Readers over 30 might scoff at Stewart's inclusion - assuming they know who he is. For many under 30, the host of Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" is, improbably, a source for news.

A poll released earlier this year by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 21 percent of people aged 18 to 29 cited "The Daily Show" and "Saturday Night Live" as a place where they regularly learned presidential campaign news.
You assumed I might be part of that group because I'm in that age group, then? Well, you know I don't live in the States. News regarding the US are not exactly my main place of interest. But if I do want to get news, I go to actual news outlets.

Those shows are only helpful in terms of news, really. They can raise awareness of issues. But if you don't go to an actual news source to read up what it actually is, it's worthless in that regard.
You assumed I might be part of that group because I'm in that age group, then? Well, you know I don't live in the States.

Those shows are only helpful in terms of news, really. They can raise awareness of issues. But if you don't go to an actual news source to read up what it actually is, it's worthless in that regard.

Actually I have no idea how old you are ... You made your first post mentioning the Daily Show, I remember hearing that decent amount of people got their news from that .. which is stupid (certainly as a main source). It is a comedy show, same with SNL, and Colbert's old show. I was making the connection that some people (not specifically you, but the general "you") actually rely on those kinds of shows as their main news source.

Anyway, it was a general comment. not directed at "you" you ... hearing the word news and those shows fired a neuron somewhere in my brain that people actually rely on that stuff, which as you said .. is worthless.
hearing the word news and those shows fired a neuron somewhere in my brain that people actually rely on that stuff, which as you said .. is worthless.

But I didn't use the word "news" in my post. That's why it was confusing why you went that route.

Media corporations also have an obvious bias for Hillary. It's kind of an annoying feature of political comedy shows that I follow. Stephen Colbert does a good job balancing it out but I stopped watching Trevor Noah's show because of its blatantly obvious Hillary endorsement.

I think just seeing those shows mentioned fired the neurons somewhere in your brain :D
But I didn't use the word "news" in my post. That's why it was confusing why you went that route.

I think just seeing those shows mentioned fired the neurons somewhere in your brain :D

Possible, maybe I was reading "Media Corporations" as "news" and my neurons perhaps do not fire as well as they did when I was in your under-30 demographic :)
The Congressional Black Caucus disagrees and threw their support behind Hillary Of course, this is the same group that pushed for the 1994 Violent Crime and Enforcement Act that has played a huge role in mass incarcerations of blacks, that they now blame on everyone and everything except for their actions ... which certainly are not the only cause, but a pretty damn big one.

Georgia Rep. John Lewis, the last living member of the “Big Six” civil rights activists, said he never met Sanders during the tumultuous 1960s in the South.
“To be very frank, I never saw him, I never met him,” said Lewis. “I chaired the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for three years, from 1963 to 1966. I was involved in sit-ins, in the Freedom Rides, the March on Washington, the March from Selma to Montgomery ... but I met Hillary Clinton.”

“There is no comparison. Hillary Clinton has been there from the beginning. Bernie Sanders has not just been missing in action, he’s been on the wrong side,” said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, a New York Democrat, referring to gun control legislation.

Read more:
There's a really good article in The Nation about why Hillary and Bill were bad for black people, which, it should be noted, was mostly for passing the crime laws that as bearfan has noted has led to the incarceration of many black people. The author made an excellent point that the Black Congressional Caucus asked for the crime laws as part of a plan including more spending and better schools - but all they got were the crime laws.
There's a really good article in The Nation about why Hillary and Bill were bad for black people, which, it should be noted, was mostly for passing the crime laws that as bearfan has noted has led to the incarceration of many black people. The author made an excellent point that the Black Congressional Caucus asked for the crime laws as part of a plan including more spending and better schools - but all they got were the crime laws.

They got the more spending part too
Provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act provided $30.2 billion over six years for crime control and related social programs—the most money ever allotted in a federal crime bill. State and local law enforcement would receive $10.8 billion of this; $9.9 billion was earmarked for prisons, and $6.9 billion was earmarked for crime prevention.
The largest portion of this funding went to community policing. The bill created an $8.8 billion program to add 100,000 police officers nationwide for police patrols. In addition, the bill allotted $2.6 billion for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), and Border Patrol. $245 million was given to rural anti-crime efforts, and $150 million to help implement new laws requiring up to a five-day waiting period for handgun purchases

The act gave $1.6 billion to fight violence against women, including money to train and add police, prosecutors and judges;money for victims' services and advocates, and money for rape-education and community-prevention programs.
Perhaps because the bill was passed by a Democratic Congress and signed by a Democratic president, social programs were given a big priority. These programs included $567 million for after-school, weekend, and summer "safe haven"programs for youth; $243 million for in-school programs providing positive activities and alternatives to crime and drug abuse; and $377 million to be used for anti-gang programs, midnight sports leagues, boys and girls clubs, and other projects. There was also $1 billion for drug-court programs and substance-abuse treatment for non-violent offenders.
The most controversial provision of the act was non-monetary: the assault-weapons ban. It called for a 10-year ban on the manufacture, transfer, or possession of 19 semi-automatic assault weapons. Certain kinds of revolving-cylinder shotguns,semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic pistols, and ammunition magazines were also banned. The act also outlawed the ownership of handguns by juveniles.
Less controversially, the bill established a three-strikes law that mandated life in prison for a third serious violent-felony conviction or a violent-felony conviction that follows a serious violent felony and a serious drug conviction under federal law.The crime bill also created 60 new federal crimes that call for the death penalty, including murder of federal judges; murderof federal law enforcement officers; murder of high-level members of the Executive Branch; murder of a member ofCongress; Kidnapping that results in death, and fatal violence committed in international airports.

Finally, on the subject of prisons, the bill allocated $9.9 billion, including $7.9 billion to build state prisons for violent offenders, and $1.8 billion to states for jailing criminal illegal immigrants.
Well, it is what the Dems passed and the CBC voted for. They wanted the Feds to take care of crime in black neighborhoods and get rid of drugs. I don't think any of them wanted what happened, but they fucked up big time.
Agreed on that one. Now we know - getting tough on crime doesn't work, especially when the system is punishing one colour of people more than another.

It would be fucked up no matter what people were punished. Perhaps another moral of the story here involved massive federal overreach and making a problem much much worse and that we should end these "war on" efforts that lead to fraud, waste, ineffective results, and often creating a larger problem than the one they started with.
Perhaps another moral of the story here involved massive federal overreach and making a problem much much worse and that we should end these "war on" efforts that lead to fraud, waste, ineffective results, and often creating a larger problem than the one they started with.
Hey, I completely agree. The War on Drugs has wasted billions and billions of dollars, ruined hundreds of thousands of lives, and has done nothing but make criminals very rich.
Speaking of stupidity ... "government .. keeping us safe from common sense"

Two Escondido, California, high school students—ages 16 and 18—could see their whole lives derailed because they committed the crime of keeping fishing supplies in cars they parked on school property.
The elder teen, Brandon Cappelletti, had three knives in his car: the remnants of a family fishing trip. The knives were used to cut lines and filet fish. The younger teen, Sam Serrato, had a pocketknife in his glove compartment. His father had left it there.

Both teens are facing expulsion. Cappelletti, a legal adult, could serve jail time if convicted of weapons charges, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.

You might be wondering how administrators at San Pasqual High School even found out about the innocuous items. You might be wondering why the Escondido police became involved. You might also be wondering if the world has gone mad. I have answers to these questions, but you won’t like them.\

The high school pays a company to search its campus for contraband using drug-sniffing dogs. On January 27, the dogs indicated Cappelletti’s vehicle—not because of the knives, but because he kept Advil in the car. It’s not clear how Serrato was caught (one news story claims he also had Advil, but his father disputed this). But the knives were discovered, the police were called, and both boys are in big trouble. According to the police report:

At the conclusion of the investigation, the [school resource officer] determined that both students were in violation of a misdemeanor crime by bringing the knives on school property. The juvenile student’s case has been recommended for the Juvenile Diversion program. The Juvenile Diversion program involves a collaborative effort to address various juvenile crimes without the case being heard through the formal juvenile court process. The second student, Brandon Cappelletti is an adult and not eligible for the diversion program. Cappelletti was issued a misdemeanor citation and released at the school to his mother.
At this point, the criminal matter and school matter are two different things. The school district is deciding at a hearing today whether to increase their punishments from suspension—they have already been out of school for weeks—to expulsion. Such a harsh punishment would jeopardize Serrato’s future: he’s relying on athletic scholarships to attend college.

“If I end up getting expelled, I’d have to go to a community college,” he told The Union-Tribune. “It’s not what I really want to do. My whole life would change.”

Cappelletti has enlisted in the Marine Corp, so he’s more worried about the criminal charges, which could completely derail those plans. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Man, the New Hampshire primary would have been so different if it wasn't for Gilmore's 56 votes...

And for the other.
1) Drug sniffing dogs are fucking terribly inaccurate and shouldn't be allowed.
2) I understand that kids aren't allowed to have weapons on school property and stuff, but there really needs to be an end of "zero tolerance" policies. Zero tolerance is just a way for people to not have to make judgment calls.