Recent content by ophelia

  1. ophelia


    At the moment I'm reading The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seierstad. It's about a family in Afganistan that the author goes to stay with. It's really interesting. It really opened my eyes to the living conditions over there. This family is talked about in the first few chapters as being a...
  2. ophelia


    Re: 'Rainmaker' Well, I've been getting into Iron Maiden the way a person tiptoes into cold water at the beach. I'd say I'm up to my knees now and have just discovered Rainmaker. I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to make a comment about this song. I love it sooo much. It makes me feel...
  3. ophelia

    Different World

    Re: 'Different World' Well, I've finally watched this video and I agree, it is a bit strange. There's a part when the character runs up to this mysterious woman who magically shows him a different world. The look on the guy's face when he stares into the mysterious orb is a look of hope, pain...
  4. ophelia

    Out of the Shadows

    Re: 'Out Of The Shadows' I assumed that it was a song about death and the hope of an afterlife. Or maybe how life begins and how it ends. "Oh there is beauty and surely there is pain, but we must endure it to live again." Alot of people believe that we are sent things to try us (I don't, I...
  5. ophelia

    The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg

    Re: 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg' I don't think that any of us are saying that we really know what any of these songs are about, all we are doing is expressing our emotional response to them. Is that not what songs are for? I wouldn't buy that game. Benjamin Breeg sounds like a guy...
  6. ophelia

    The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg

    Re: 'The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg' Hmm, everyone seems to have ignored these comments and gone back to wondering who Benjamin Breeg is as though he were a real person. I like the idea that he is a metephor. Perun describes, I think, something we can surely all relate to, or am I just an...